
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

gotta milk that sucker!!!

got an early bedtime yesterday, actually a good night's sleep. Nice.

Which meant I was up pre predawn. Soooooo, hit the unit, got things squared away, then off to The Line. Yes, @ 4 am.

MY LINE!!! Reqally felt that way. Not a soul to be found anywhere.

What peace.

So, manana predicted precip and COLD, as in 20 degs. So, hadda milk today for all it was worthg. Yes, shorts. Hey, it was upper 30's.

Monday, December 29, 2008

THAT'S gonna leave a mark

ok, woke, up, outta bed, hit the job pre pre dawn. Felt good, so why sleep more? Figured head to the unit, clear debris, get dressed n' hit The Line.

So far so good, shorts, t shirt, light jacket, gloves. St.Francis, felt good.

Good thing I didn't wait for Pret, got called @ 8:20 ish, said I'd already been out, maybe/hopefully manana. THEN, all hell broke loose. Patient flipped. Was told this am re: death of his mother. Now, this patient was friggin' nuts to begin with-really-undiagnosed psychotic. So, he started running around, on the unit as well as outside. Glad I was there. If not, the bleeding hearts would've totally fucked it up. As it was, one of them hadda go home due to "injuries." Now understand, I restrained him after he threw himself atop me trying to get out (I was trying to contain him in an office). And THIS piece of shit employee, after I leave the unit, has the balls to claim injury. Asshole.

Good thing I ran when I did.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Check, doublecheck

got to the job, assured the weekend wouldn't be a colossal clusterfuck. Done.

got to the job, checked e mail, finally got off my butt and did the January President's Massage. Yes, Virginia, it's been QUITE a year. ANOTHER reason priestbrother is an asshole; I look back on the collective successes of the club, and not once am I in the center. Just lucky to be part of a great group. But oh, what things 2008 has brought! AND, NONE of it would've been possible without Pesa's brains/tenacity, Helen's cruise directing, Ken's Consiglieri contributions, Laughlin's ball breaking, Gillian's sharp tongue and smile, Lee's curmudgeonosity (?), Ray's curmudgeonosity, Tom's friendship, and Pret's love. And these are but a few people I hold in such high regard. Wow, great year. The club has gone further than I thought it would. Nice.

St.Francis yet again. Alone for a bit, yet again. Fookin' peeps talk too much, 9am runs NEVER @ 9 am. Ran with Lisa n' Chris for a spell, until I hadda be me and veer off. WONDERFUL weather. Again, ALMOST went shirtless, but no one around with singles.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

...you get what you need

ok, hadda hit the job because I KNEW one of the bleeding hearts had fucked up.

We have 22 guys and 4 women patients. Head bleeding heart-a Social Worker-allows the women to do as they please, i.e. sleep rather than attend groups, manipulate staff etc...basically have the run of the place. Oh no they don't. This am I went in and stopped the buck. Explained to the women that if they could wake up for me, they could wake up for anyone (as I went to wake up the head female waste of life another female patient asked if I was going to wake up "princess," see what I mean???). And this shit about sleeping, nope. Attend all groups on time or face discharge. Enough. Best: they'd been allowed to use the staff bathroom. Now, understand: we have 22 guys using 2 stalls,11 to 1 ratio. 4 women using 1 bathroom, 4 to 1 ratio. YOU tell ME who's got it better. So, this crap about the staff bathroom was quashed. Last: they were allowed to use the admissions lounge as a "quiet room." As if the ladies lounge isn't enough??? So, it was explained to them that if they need a "quiet room," each of the 4 should take a corner in their lounge. Christ all fuckin' mighty!!! Who runs the joint anyway??? REALLY annoying to counterbalance staff bad judgement. Could they enable the patients any more than they do???

(can you tell priestbrother doing The Marathon hasn't quite worked itself outta my system yet???) Bastard.

So, with this, yes, St.Francis. Felt good, speed improving though that wasn't the point. BEAUTIFUL temps, almost went shirtless.

Nice to run with the club for a change, a great bunch of people.

So, got to get my St.Francis on. Was THAT the song reference, nope. It got better.

Went to see Seven Pounds. GREAT flick. But nope, that isn't it either.

I'm sitting having dinner-forgot to eat yesterday, Spike and Shebitch come barging in. Turns out, Spike is working!!! Shebitch's restaurant needed a busboy tonight, guess who? Is that cool or what? Lil sumbitch will earn a buck. Nice. Hope he loves it as much as I did. His first taste of independence.

Ken wants articles for The Strider. Kind'a draggin' my ass on this one. January Prez's message is big, for me. Chance to reflect on the past year. It's been onehellofafuckin' year, but gotta pick the highlights.

missed Pret today on The Line, but then again, I always do.

Friday, December 26, 2008



Guess who claims to have done The Marathon. He did it in '92 in 4:18, then in '96 in 4:48. DAMNIT!!! My fucking priestbrother!

Went to Pete's (a.k.a. DMV brother, a.k.a. brother who gave Dana $ for a divorce) yesterday for Christmas. Priest brother is there as well. Why does he make me nuts? EVERYTHING is about him. I.E. "I have a program.....I did the .......MY department....." It's IMPOSSIBLE for him to say anything without him as the axis. It's frightening. A long time ago I accepted that the world would turn very well without my being on it. Am I the only one who gets that? AND, HE'S A PRIEST!!! What happened to...oh I dunno...lil things like "service," "humility." Wow. AND the fuck did NY. The Big One!!! DAMN. Made me wanna throw in the towel, but now I'm on a mission. THIS is why I associate with them once a year, one year not even that. GOD that sickens me.

Shebitch actually behaved, until we got home. Then It left for an AA meeting (yes Virginia, another warm fuzzy Christmas memory. A day spent with family, then Mommy ditches us to hang with alcoholics. Yummmmmmm). It and Keith were fighting over $8. Yes, $8. He had put it aside, savings from not having bought snacks. It jumped on it. Surreal. All over $8.

St.Francis with the Striders on Christmas. St.Francis solo today. Felt GREAT. On a roll here. Was gonna wait for a call from Pret, never came, good thing I didn't wait. Went out predawn per protocol. Hadda. Rain predicted. At least I got my couple of miles in before.

STILL can't believe that piece of shit does NY. Wrong. Just wrong.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

'Tis the season

so, did the gift thing, did the unwrapping thing, hit the job, made sure all was well...then...St.Francis!!!

Thank God it was clear, well...almost. Right after the softball field there was ice, but then, clear. Figure by manana it'll be ok.

WAS funny being ahead of Lock and Christina, could hear their feet. Great motivation. They did 6, I did St.Francis.

Nice to see so many Wearers of the Green on such a lovely morning. Put me in the right mood to deal with the brother who, reportedly, gave Shebitch $ for a divorce. Funny how nothing came of that. Ho.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

twas the night before.............

and Shebitch is out. Glory be!!!! God IS good.

Here @ Toxichouse with Keith-he was smart enough NOT to want to go with It. That makes 2 big days he decided to frig the bullshit-July 4 and tonight. Smart child.

"Cross country" run yesterday, with the snow/ice and etc.....today: 86th ave in the POURING rain. Hadda. This am, staff called to say their father died. Ho ho. Ouch. yesterday, personnel shit to deal with. So, despite HATING rain, hadda do it.

WONDERFUL surprises in e mail. And I owe it all to Pesa and her facebook. 2 people outta the blue from grade school. Wow. Can you imagine 36 years ago and we reconnect? Wow.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

on the 13th. day of Christmas

I froze. Really. Giving "chillin" a literal interpretation.

THIS is the toughest part of the season. Freeeeezing cold, ice/snow, THEN it'll rain and everything turns to slosh and mud. But don't let's get ahead of ourselves.

After yeaterday's forced day off, hadda do St.Francis. Crack of dawn? Did it @ 11 w/Pret. More like a biathlon. Between patches of blessed asphalt, most was ice and running on snow. Tough going, took 1/3 as long as usual, but the company made it. Ho ho.

Got the Christmas shopping done, such as it is. Guitar Hero World Tour for Wi for Spike. Wanted the Fit, but sold out everywhere.

Monday, December 22, 2008


too damned cold!

Yes Virginia, even I have my limitations.

No friggin' way was I going out today, bitttttter cold. Manana kiddies!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

it's a sign!!!

ok, snow's ok, but THIS???

Awoke to a fine coating, 'bout 1/2 inch. Can deal with that, but then, RAIN. Fuhgeddaboutit. No mas. G's way of saying take a day off. No ellip, no dreadmill.

Hadda show @ the club for the Holiday Party/elections. Good news: the slate won unanimously. The bad news: we ran unopposed. Details, details. Hey, SOMEONE could've voted for "no one/anybody but______," and in typical Strider fashion, it was a real possibility, but no. Surprised we actually had enough for a quorum. What the hell is wrong with these people (bless them). Ugly as hell out and we still had quite a showing.


ho ho

Saturday, December 20, 2008

it wasn't pretty, but...

we did it!!! Did the run, got it done!

AP had a strong showing. Why THIS race gets so many wearers of the green, I have NO idea. The conditions were abysmal. Over 1,200 people regged, 640 actually "ran." Astrid placed in her age group, at least we got SOME hardware. But that isn't what this one's about. Being a part of it was what mattered.

Take your usual/decent pace, add a minute, that's today. I did ok. Started out midpack, then lost speed in last mile. This one was a "glad I didn't slip and break my ass" run. Slippery, sloshy, esp @ the turns-they were trecherous.

I'm impressed they held it in spite of conditions. Reminded me of King's Park a couple of years ago when the run was postponed. Hey, we sign waivers.

Tom couldn't make it, called to ask if I'd get his shirt-he preregged. Had his chip in my pocket to return @ the end, it registered!!! Too funny.

Only one of the bluepeoplewhoshouldcallaspadeaspadeandjoinaREALclub was there. Times HAVE changed. But today, you really couldn't tell. Not as many costumes either. Like I said, glad to be done.

Manana, the elections/holiday party.

Friday, December 19, 2008

can I pick 'em, or can I pick 'em?

thanks yet again G! The boss is off for 2 weeks starting Tuesday (yipeee!!!!!!!), so gotta take days when I can or lose them. Today being yet another friday off. Yet again, for a choice few days, being me doesn't suck. WONDERFUL awakening to the snow falling. When I wanna I can sleep-as in: went to bed last night @ 9, awoke today @ the crack of 11:30. YUMMMMMM. AND internet's working. YUMMMMMMM!!!

MATC's slated closure gnaws @ me, especially the agency calling in children to do a man's work re: the Crisis Response Team. But, oh well. Sucks for them.

Manana, Ho Ho Ho. The only run people do for the sweatshirt-i.e. of ALL the fuckin' shirts given out all year, this one is worn by nearly all. @ one Strider club run, 4 dif peeps had 4 years dif Ho Ho Ho shirts on. Cool.

...I thought love was only true in fairy tales.....

Thursday, December 18, 2008

life IS good!!!

ok, sometimes you gotta get back to basics.

Did St.Francis, shorts, long sleeves, gloves. Perfect. Broke a sweat, knees felt ok. Really should'a taken is easier after having a 15 hour day yesterday, but wouldn't have had it any other way.

Filled with good feelings, saw bldg 40, smiled, reminded me of my history in Queens, the best make-out spot @ Alley Pond Park, College, ahhh...good times.

THEN, news @ work: we hadda fill out our bumping papers. OK, Been Ying'd.

But still, got my run on, after all, work is what you do in between runs n'est pas???

THEN, secretary calls, her mom died. Sucks for her.

THEN, go to p/t, more arm abuse.

THEN...what do I spy with my one good eye: A CHRISTMAS TREE!!! Just as my dejection had reached new depths, just as I sought solace in giving to others-the patient's party-I come home to this. COOL! Shebitch ISN'T utterly useless. I was really down re: my Manhattan peeps getting shut down, Shebitch being Itself, Christmas a week away and still no tree (don't forget this IS Toxichouse-where last year's tree stayed up 'til March, when one of It's friends took it down).

Wow, we have a tree. Cool.

Thanks G. You allowed a lapse in It's illness.

Life IS good.

***Party pix @ bottom.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


86th this am. Rain, ugggggggh. BUT, hadda do it. Precip predicted for the rest of the week to fri, so, do 86th as the Y isn't too far.

Ended up doing the whole route, light rain, a heavy mist really. Glad I did. Also, hadda do "other than St.Francis" route as tonight's the big party, so, hadda save some calories. In view of the precip, ALMOST went to ellip, but glad I ran.

ho ho.

Party went off without a hitch, thank G. Pret made it, didn't dare invite, but would've been heartbroken if not there. Thanks. My heart is full.

Boss did his usual critique-my attitude: if you weren't @ practice, shutup. His usual comment "where's the fire?" (I play fast). Lead, follow, or get the fuck outta the way.

Patients loved it. REALLY what it's all about.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

lately I been runnin' on faith...

ok, 1996: transferred from the Manhattan facility to Creedmoor. @ that time, thought it was the end of the world. Since coming to Queens Village, everything's been cool. Backstory there: 2 coworkers and myself worked the politicians to keep the Manhattan site open, AND Manhattan gave me a gig when no one else would hire me. I grew up there.

Since coming to Creedmoor though, all has been better. 1/2 the size (MATC=52 beds, CATC= 26), closer to home, across the street from Alley Pond...too good, and best: back home to Queens.

So far so good n'est pas?

Today the Gov/my boss came out with the budget. Manhattan is slated for closure, saving the state the 14 mil it would cost to relocate it (it's located in a building like our bldg 40, the only dif being MATC is the only occupant of 14 floors).

Now, lots of political shit has to go down before it actually happens but...put it this way...when I contacted my peeps there, no one spoke of putting up a fight. Sad.
Thank G I'm Senior Assistant Director. I'd bump all the others, but my site is cool.

It was weird. Leadership (us) heard @ 9:30. Then, the comish told all staff in a webinar @ noon. Felt odd being a "leader."

Another part of my history, poof!

St.Francis this am-shorts again. Another "hadda," and not a moment too soon-misting as I ran, but then @ noon snow. Ouch.

Manana the patients Christmas party. Really puts the spirit of what it's all about back in.

Monday, December 15, 2008

deja vu?

Did St.Francis this am, yes, another of those "hadda" runs. MORE fucking rain predicted from tonight through Wed. DAYUM.

This am was surreal. Temps a la 50. WOW!!! ALMOST, not quite, no shirt weather.

Was almost tempted to go again after work, but alas...p/t.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

but if you try sometimes...

ok, nice morning, tossup re: shorts or longs-went with the shorts, warm morning considering. So far so good. Up @ the usual crack of dawn, to The Parkhouse, nap then run. But nooooooooo, headed to the Y to sauna and ease the old muscles, THEN back to The Parkhouse. What do my ears perceive: the crackberry. Tom calling, asking que paso? He'd seen me napping @ The Park, didn't wanna disturb me......bless him. REALLY a good friend, the def of a peep. Between him and Pret I'm covered. So, back to The Parkhouse, hung with Tom, before we knew it, time to run. Actually waited for the club. A fucking miracle. Usually neither of us have the patience to wait for the chatters to get their rears in gear and actually, oh...I dunno.......RUN????? I.E. what we came for??? Too damn much talk. Then again, it IS a nice benefit.

So, actually ran with Tom and Lock. Yeah, I know, amazed myself. They must be slowing down or sought to include me. They pressed on-doing 8-10, I turned @ St.Francis.

Could'a gotten away with a t-shirt and gloves, but the shorts served me well. Unseasonably warm. Thanks G. Just what I need to enter hell week. 1)Gov gives his budget death knell Tuesday 2)Christmas party for the patients Wednesday-meanwhile the basement is a war zone due to construction. Yet ANOTHER challenge. Just what I need. The Christmas party the day after the Gov punches us in the balls. Nice. Ho ho.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

you get what you need

so, following ANOTHER night of toolateloudShebitch-It was yelling after midnight (mental Bitch), there I am @ the Mulcahy's run. See Pret and co warming up, when...lo n' behold, Tom calls asking wassup. He forgot the run was @ 8 am, so he did it as a bandit. Of course I told him the way my luck was running he'd win a raffle despite lacking a bib.

Ran the first mile with him, bless him, then the next 1 1/2 getting in Pret's way. Yes, as a New Yorker, whatever road I'm on is MY road. Almost kept up with Pret, beat me by 13 secs per mile.

Then, hadda boogie n' hit the job-shit hitting the fan.

Can you BELIEVE construction is gonna f up the basement for another week. Now...take a moment...think. Where does the Christmas party occur. Exactly. We're fucked. Ho ho.

Friday, December 12, 2008


pouring rain early am, then...could it be??? The SUN!!!

Got 10 in. Hadda, felt TOO good this am. Day off, Shebitch bitchin'...hadda.

What pure unadulterated joy. Jwtdo.

AND, it gets better, Shebitch ranting about how Keith's ban should be lifted etc...what comes in the mail: his standardized test scores: he's at least above average (duh), thus proving he CAN do it when he WANTS to. The apple doesn't in fact fall far from the tree.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

rain sucks

snow, not so much (better for the knees), but rain, fuhgeddaboutit.

No run in the am, ellip instead.

Mana, off, so today's my friday. Nice.

CRAZY week @ the job, even by the usual standards, but somehow, it doesn't matter. Work is supposed to be that way, especially my place.

Re: Computer/X Box ban: Shebitch pushing to let Keith back on. Claiming I'm "pushing him out of the house," so he can play with friends systems. Supposedly I now want nothing to do with him, preferring him out of sight. Right idea, wrong person, we know that. Typical venom. So much for consistency in parenting.

p.s. Fear and Loathing on Cable, thank you G! Hunter Thompson lives!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

on the second day of Christmas...

So, The Complainer: 1)helped his son with his homework
2)practiced with the patients for their Christmas party
3)cracked the whip @ useless staff

STILL haven't gotten over Shebitch's comments yesyerday evening. "You complain about everything," I actually hadda look around to see whom It was addressing. Amazing. Within Toxichouse, in It's presence, I will never speak again. Write that down.

St.Francis this am. WONDERFUL!!! Shorts, T-shirt. Brief moment of panic-thought G was doing a Lucy on me n' making it rain after the turn around, but no, stayed dry. Really prepped me for the day-not to mention getting me through last evening's aftershocks.

Think about it: It leaves to see a movie with It's gal pal, leaving a sick son @ home, after leaving him alone all day. Wow. Just wow.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

"You complain about everything"

yes readers, Shebitch has hit a new low.

THAT was It's latest allegation.

Do you EVER/have you EVER hear me whine????

And better still, this comment came AFTER deriding running, i.e. "you always have energy for a race." (backstory: I had asked that It doesn't cook @ 11 pm as I was tired and that was an hour in which most of earth sleeps)

Mental bitch.

-St.Francis this am, 31 degs-not bad but felt cooooold.

Monday, December 8, 2008


thank G for the elliptical

TOO damned cold this am, 19 degs for chrissakes!!! w/windchill it felt like 5. No way Jose. Noooooo running este dia. Instead, head to the Y, hit the ellip.

Was critically de-moralized, haven't quite gotten over thanksgiving. BUT, G comes to the rescue. Had our first practice for the Christmas party with the patients, got me out of the funk. Of course in the midst of practice a patient had a seizure (no, it wasn't my playing), so we had an unplanned break, but I'm back.

Dunno how people do it-meaning-they that are totally self-centered, how do they get along? If it wasn't doing this Christmas party with the patients, the holiday spirit would've passed me right by.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


nope (careful there)

Would've been a pr if...if...if...but noooooooo, the course was inaccurate.

First split came in @ 8:55, yeah right.

Second didn't listen.

@ the finish, a run/walker showed me his Garmin: 2.92. SHIT!!!
Just the same, glad I did it. Ran well, though not in usual running shoes-hadda use disposables due to shit weather. No support, really light. Knees feel ok though, they should w/the abbreviated run.

......one step up and two steps back........

Saturday, December 6, 2008

2 hearts babe get the job done...

got my Hot Chocolate on. Well, sorta.

Did the Seaford Hot Chocolate 5k, didn't drink any-only take my sugar in chocolate form @ the flix. Did ok. Shorts, hooded sweatshirt, gloves. Flat, fast-well, fast for me. All the usual suspects there, the rest will be @ manana's Pancake 5k.

Back to The Parkhouse to see who's there. Walked right by Lock and KK, funny, not recognized (could YOU not recognize me, scary that), then cooled down w/Pret.

Manana, the other half of the 5k pair.

Predicted precip: snow showers. Yumm. Good for time though.

Saw, again, In The Land Of Women. Wow. If you haven't seen it, SEE IT. Pret would get it, the rest of you must imagine.

...two hearts are beating as one, two hearts.................

Friday, December 5, 2008

check, doublecheck

knocked out another week. St.Francis, then bored meeting did ok.

St.Francis was crisp, cool NOT cold, alright. Not too many more of these days. Predicted colder temps from the weekend on. Dayum. It IS December after all.

Bored meeting was actually substantive. Runner of the year, most improved etc.....Things are winding down for this current bored. A good group, even crusty Ray. The ONE thing I AM glad for is no more of those annoying diner meetings. Whatthefuck is it with diners?

*NYRR is capping races @ 5,000. Good. 1)If you don't prereg early, you SHOULD be shut out, 2)some of the races were ridiculous-though with the corral system, nothing was as bad as the Mineola Mustang. The only problem could be with the halves, but then again, if I end up NOT doing a half-no big loss there.

**MAJOR conflict: The Nike and Quebec runs are on the same day. SHIT. AND, the More and our Back Alley are on the same day. Downside of the More, our Back Alley goes on as scheduled no matter what. Unfortunately, the 6-8 women will miss out-sucks, but, one monkey don't stop....Tom would've been in a bind-he put in for vaca for the Quebec, but he'll get over it. Prob there is, no guarantee of getting into the Nike. SHIT.

Gillian got her apartment, good. Deserves it. A good person.

Our Christmas party is set for 12-17. Arm is STILL 4 months from ready, but, whatthefuck, play on. Invited the peeps. Need 'em for motivation. The day before the Gov announces his budget cuts. Lovely. Ho ho.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Keith's home from school, Shebitch out. Typical. But here's the kicker: Shebitch has been out each night, and tonight has Tina Turner tix. OK, twisted enough yet? Her cell was shut off for non payment-the tix are $150 each. Twisted enough? It's son is too sick for school, yet It is out doing shopping for a sick friend. ????????!!!!!! And THEN goes to teach religion!!! I'm just glad It's nowhere to be found. Good.

What slays me is: take care of YOUR home, THEN look outward. Go shop for a sick friend, then teach religion, all the while your sick child is @ home. Don't even ask if It's EVER checked his homework, the answer is: never. Surreal. Had a BLAST helping him with his project. It's due Monday, but trying to break him of the habit he learned from It: last minutitis. It was a project on "heritage," he did it about Belgium. Really good father/son time. But that's not the point. Have you noticed it's always me? It's an absolute joy, don't misunderstand. But when It then comes home really late, starts making all sorts of noise (there ARE people sleeping??? You know it's bad when your 13 y/o lectures you on the volume of the tv????) and THEN has the tits to scream "THERAPY!!!" (as in, I need), then it really kills your motivation. Again kiddies, marriage=STUPID. Tell a friend, save them if it's not too late.

St.Francis this am. Miscalculated. Light jacket n' t shirt n' gloves. Ok so far, but shorts. Critical error. Should'a worn longs. FROZE. The shower finally brought back sensation to my fingers.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

another one bites the dust

yet ANOTHER nice day. Guess G's making up for that chillin' last week. Thanks G.

Shorts, light jacket, gloves this am. St.Francis.

Worked up a little sweat, but the temp was really good-42 degs.

Takin' Spike to see Bolt. He's never seen a 3d flick. (thank G. Can you imagine how childmolerish I'd look if I didn't have him with me). Gotta strike when the iron's hot. He's right on the edge of "a little too old, still young enough."

Monday, December 1, 2008

jingle this!

getting that warm fuzzy holiday feeling eh??? HO!

MAN am I tired. Back to home, a.k.a. The Line a.k.a. St.Francis this am. Felt great. REALLY gets the juices flowing for what the day'll bring. Doing 5k's is just too much coitus interruptus.

AND, next weekend is more of the same: Hot Chocolate 5k Sat, Pancake Run Sunday (get it? Hot Chocolate then pancakes, hardee har har). So, gotta log them thar miles.

NICE morning today, finally what this month should be, upper 40's. Shorts. Thanks G.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


ANOTHER fine mess

OK, best laid plans etc.....

Plan WAS to do day of race IF I was gonna do Rob's Run. So much for THAT idea. Preregged, woke up this am, so far so good...then (theme from Jaws) rain, snow. SHIT!

What a friggin' mudfest. Couldn't get a head of steam goin', XC to boot, disfreakin'gusting.

...but I'd do it again ;)

This is the answer to the question of: where do used beyond belief running shoes go to die??? Rob's Run. Use 'em and lose 'em.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

2/3 ain't bad

check, doublecheck.

Did the 4k yesterday, 5k today. Came in @ appropriate times-today 5 secs per mile slower than yesterday. Factoring in yesterday was shorter and flat, today rolling hills as well as back to back races, I'm happy.

Fun race, great cause, challenging course.

Dave, Deb, Marlon n' I reppin' The Green-just gotta wrestle that blue jacket from Dave. 2 of us took home hardware, nice!!!

Always good to see the usual Long Island suspects-George, Paul, Bob Paterson, Doc, etc...but especially nice due to today's popularity. Terry was having his race today, but out east. Whothefuck is gonna drive to Heckscher? Also, helluva choice-which cause to support: orphans or cancer???

Been doing this one since Steve was alive, so I'm kind'a stuck. Also, it's rolling hills are made for a Strider.

Amazing facility. Never ceases to impress me. This place is to orphanages (or whatever the pc term for them is, let's face it: what do you call where minority children lacking parents are housed/schooled???) what Disney is to theme parks. Immaculate.

And-as runners are tough to satisfy: amazing munchies. 6 foot heroes to die for!

Manana, a manly run: XC. Good excuse for a crap time.

...I know you're out there somewhere...and somehow I'll return again to you............

Friday, November 28, 2008

g'day mate

made it through yesterday, with the help of my peeps and Australia (2 hr 45 m movie, helped me avoid Toxichouse). Surprised the flick was THAT good. Nothing can hold my attention for that long, but this did. Really a sweeping epic, like they used to make before budgets ruled everything.

So, on to today. The 4k, did alright, then into work for a couple of hours, then home. Nice. Not my distance of choice, but was able to get some speed. Really grateful to the people who probably don't really know how important they are. Never thought today would come but, it did.

Keith @ his brotherfromanothermother's (miss him terribly but he needs HIS peeps as well-being an only child I'm grateful his brotherfromanothermother is a good kid), Shebitch-who cares, It's not here. Nice.

.....come Monday, it'll be alright, come Monday I'll be holdin' you tight. I spent four lonely days in a brown L.A.haze n' I just want you back by my side.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

gobble this

ok, did St.Francis with a twist. Knowing what I'd be up against @ Toxichouse, did it with the Club. Hadda. "Family" you can't choose, peeps you can. Good to see the crowd that showed.

Glad I did. Had a great run, really fun, great company, thanks. Saw my people, really felt like hiding but didn't. Nice to come outta the shell.

***Props to Deb-mini miffins, and Tom-homemade cookies. Nice touch.

Days like this are hard, but, gotta treat it like another day off. At least I'll be rested for manana. AND I don't have to contend with screaming in the presence of Keith. What slays me on days like this, again, is the thought of "what memories will he have?" Times like these however make you cut your losses. The pain of being in solitude is less than the pain of knowing those in whose presence you are, hate you. Much rather be here.

Nice n' cool-shorts.

Can't wait for today to end.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Things to be grateful for:

1)My family. Gotta fine tune that one. NOT my brothers and the person who used to wear my ring. Sad, but, it is what it is. Priest never quite grasped the notion that the world doesn't exist to kiss his ass, and DMV brother is lost to Shebitch's bullshit. I can't believe he puts faith in the crap It spreads, but he does. Shebitch? Well, you already know. Suffice to say, it's thanksgiving eve, Keith walked home from school, and It's out. One of those "for the memory book" nights. Now, don't underestimate the precariousness of my position here. Am I supposed to join them for Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant (!!!???) Or, cut my losses and not expose myself to this level of dysfunction (i.e. I can't believe HE'S here???" Or better "There's Satan.").

2)My peeps. Without them-and my son-I would've taken myself out a long time ago. Peeps were there for me in every dark moment, and will always be there. The question is: do I leave myself open to them? Often I crawl back into the hole where I can't be hurt. Solitude is good.

Yes, living with It's illness is painful. Imagine never knowing what you're walking into after working all day and battling 2 hours of traffic. Really makes you feel good doesn't it??? But, with a son, everything's different. You can't be as selfish as they that bear my last name (can you imagine being outr all day knowing your son is home, unattended???, ditching him to hang with your friends???????). Truly pigs. You MUST be there for him. REALLY wish I wasn't alone in functioning this way, but...it is what it is.

3)My own damn self. I'd LOVE to have a million of me. Strong willed, dedicated, generous, intolerant of bullshit, smart. Being me doesn't suck.

St.Francis this am. Cool, not cold, cool-38 degs. Tempted to wear shorts but, maybe tomorrow. The thanksgiving run with the peeps (NOT Quantum's run, love how they tried to bogart it).

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

oh well

woke, up, checked outside. Nope. Zip. Nothin' doin'. It be RAININ'!

G's way of saying "take a day off."

Spin class instead (gotta do SOMETHING).

*Took Spike to see The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. Wow. He came home from school with a homework assignment asking where our parents came from. Since Shebitch hasn't a clue (hmmm, kind'a says something), he asked me. So, I took him to see this. Devastating. Quite a film.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Lord I tried!!!!!

ok, tried to detach, couldn't. If I don't intervene, G will rightly place me in a lower rung of hell-present circumstances excluded.


Referring to parenting Spike. It's really depressing. I'm in the process of supervising his homework and Shebitch has to contradict everything I'm saying (if you have nothing supportive to add, shut the fuck up). AND, after he had a weekend @ his brotherfromanothermother's, he comes home with an X Box game his bro lent him. And Shebitch supports it. So much for no games for a month. And when pressed, i.e. "you MIGHT want to back the decision," It responds with words to the effect of "payback's a bitch," referring to my pulling him out of religion when It was in hospital.

Now. A)This was HOW many years ago???
B)Am I standing with a shotgun, preventing It from reenrolling him???????
It's really good at criticism, when It has accomplished literally nothing.

So, yes, St.Francis. After the flat 10k yesterday, felt damn good.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


We DID miss a season. Listened to the news on my way to the run, per my usual, they said the obvious: this time of year it's usually 50-ish. KNEW IT!

Did Long Beach. Now, normally a flat 10k would be no big whoop, after doing The Line daily. But this was COLD and it seemed both parts of the course (one loop) were INTO the wind. Ouch!!!

4 Wearers of the green: Marlon,Fran, Tom and I. I, of course, enjoyed the course the longest/was slowest.

Fran took first in her age group-in Long Beach they do it right-a medal AND a trophy for 1st place. Nice.

But all agreed it was damned cold. Nice turnout-our race had as many, but this one was boosted due to their sending $10 off coupons in the mail. In their last race they fucked up, so to apologize.......

...and those who loved and lost will know the way it feels...to touch the night without the one you love.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

how's your putin???

St.Francis. WAS gonna run with the club, but those friggin' peeps talk too goddamned much. When I set to run @ 9, that's NOT 9:01.

COLD!!! But @ this point, used to it. Longs, gloves, t-shirt and hooded sweatshirt-the unabomber look.

Got to chat with Pret, reconnected, soul @ ease. yesterday was tough.

Stopped by the job, they were taking down some stuff, among which was this gem from the 2004 marathon (printed on a billboard by Nike)

"Run Like You Devoured The Big Apple: ...and man was it sweet. Sweaty. Salty. Bitter. But sweet. Run like you can still taste it. How Staten Island was ripe and delicious. How the Bronx was rotten. How you couldn't feel your legs in Manhattan, but kept chewing apart the pavement. Remember when you thought you couldn't make it, but the crowds gave you a big juicy shot of adrenaline. And bam. You did it. Because this was your race. Your city. Your apple to eat. And you bit that baby right down to the core. The core of your sanity. The core of your well-trained heart. Enjoy it. Savor it. But save some room for next year. Run like the city."

Wow eh?

...home, home on the range.................

Friday, November 21, 2008

we did it!

a full week of St.Francis!!! Nice. Knees held up. Nothing like cold weather as a motivator.

Now, the big question, take manana off n rest for sunday or no? Decisions decisions.

Look below for the rest of the pix, FINALLY converted 'em.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

One Day At A Time

gotta measure "success" in these parameters.

OK, yesterday Keith put on notice, no computer/x box for a month........today, come home to MORE shit. Shebitch freakin' went to pick him up @ school (13 years old, school 4 blocks away, gets a lift???), he says he's going for "extra help," and then to his peeps to hang. So, what's the dilly, yo? Isn't THIS exactly what I wanted. YES!!! Rather than hang @ home for MORE endless hours in front of the pc, he a)got his homework done and b)went to hang with a peep. Now, hangin' with the peep (someone I know and trust) porobably means playing on the peeps pc, but, it got him off his ass. Nice. First rule of parenting 101: choose your battles.

St.Francis this am, on a roll here. FREEZING, but good. Taking this distance in stride now. Hadda. All day conference. Yeccccccch. First recommendation I made to the Comish: "Eliminate committees," they only get in the way of peeps who know what they're doing/waste numerous peeps' time rather than one's. THIS is why it's vital to start the day off right (a run and Pret), leaves you prepped for whatever the day brings and whatever shit Toxichouse brings. Kind of a spiritual breakfast.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


What else can you say after a mnorning like this? Friggin' cold! So much for a transition from one season to another.

Woke up "late," meaning 4:30, hadda take matters in hand, then left Toxichouse. Stopped @ 7-11, picked up a pair of hot hands-glad I did.

Hit The Line @ 5:40, WAY too late, but...in view of the temps-27 degs, glad to be out. Was seriously thinking of sleeping in, but if you slept where I slept you'd have been running as well.

("We love you Hulk," yet he was left outside while they slept, when I got up I let him in. Nice.)

Glad I ran. St.Francis; hooded sweatshirt-xl, t-shirt underneath, gloves/hot hands, longs. Actually worked up a bit of a sweat.

It WAS weird coming back after sunrise-no, I didn't melt. Nice to see branches and such, minimize the risk of reinjury. But, still COLD. If there had been a spin class tonight I would'a bailed on the run n' done that.

THEN, Spike's report card comes out. He's fucked. Got a 50 in _______and a 77 in ________. No more x box nor computer for a month. He's gonna lose his mind. Come home, call me as soon as he hits the house, do either homework or walk the dog. And the BEST part, Shebitch is on ANOTHER rant. God grant me the serenity.......

...and the bells were ringing out for Christmas day.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

once again, with fervor!

brrrrrrr pt.deux. Dayum chilluns!!! We ain't in Kansas no mo'. What happened to global warming?

Of course it didn't help to go out in shorts (gloves, t shirt, windjacket), perfect for running, SUCKED for cool down.

(yes, St.Francis)..Sorry 'bout the pix, Adobe keeps jammin' me in pdf form, I'll get the rest in jpeg manana n' post 'em. 'Til then, look below for the first one. (I can't believe we haven't aged, AND, that there actually WAS a simpler time).

Monday, November 17, 2008


jacket, t shirt, gloves, shorts. It was COLD, but good. 37 degs to greet the return to St.Francis. After running in the short race yesterday, hadda.

Was looking through some crap on the pc @ the job when what do my wandering eyes behold??? The Runners World Photo Shoot pix from '04. WOW. What a time that was. First NY Marathon, the club picked me to rep for them @ the shoot, wow. Just wow. Scroll down for the pic. Also, a shot of the mascot from yesterday's race.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

so far, so what

ok, did the Mustang. SHOULD'A done the Race to Deliver. Why I got sucked into this bullshit race, I dunno. But I did. Regretfully.

It's a fun run really, you can't get a head of steam going due to its size-911 finishers. Wow. But ok, you're there, do your best.

Did ok, not great, unless you're Franklin Diaz, you can't. But I was on pace with the bluepeoplewhoshouldjustcallaspadeaspadeandjoinaREALclub, until I tired of it and fell off their pace. Why run your balls off if you know you're not gonna place? Save a lil for manana. Hopefully, it won't be pouring. Still, happy they didn't totally smoke me. They're a)naturally faster and b)much more competitive. I really can't be bothered. Run to stay skinny (though one kept pace with George, took some pride there).

We had a good showing, lots of Wearers of the Green, none took home hardware. But it wasn't about that-it was about being there, being part of the scene. One of the things I like about the peeps-we don't choose our races per "can I place," rather by the event itself. But, as if you couldn't tell, I'm not fond of this run. WhatthefuckwasIthinking? Too many damn turns.

Good news was: there were, again, choices (as always). Between the Race to Deliver and our own refreshment run, there was plenty to do-for those of us who must avoid where they sleep. For the rest, they could always enjoy their homes (the ONE thing I'm envious of.). So it goes...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

friggin' rain!!!

can't beLIEVE the club peeps went running.

Got up, fell outta bed, felt the rain. SHIT! OK, need a day off, but.....maaaaaaybe.....

Headed to the job, STILL pouring, ok, this is beat. Head to the Y, seemed to remembere ther was a spin class. OK, I'm there @ 7:40, class starts @ 8. It's well past the customary mourning period, so, safe to reenter the world of spinning.

GREAT class, forgot how hard it can be buy hey, after a marathon, how tough can 45 mins of spinning be? The class was packed, the instructor very good. Few of the spin peeps asked where I'd been-guess I'm no0t invisible. Then, my miracle of the day: showered, looked in the mirror to make sure all the hardware was in place, SHIT! Lost one, damn. Checked the shower room floor-REALLY hard to do that lookin nonchalant, but I pulled it off. THEN, lo n' behold, one of the Y members asked if what he found was what I was looking for. Thank you G! Quick, grab an atheist!!! Another reason I stick to the Y. Not as pretty as LA Fitness, but the members are cool.

So, then, out of curiosity, bop over to the Park. The friggin' park is full! What the fuck is wrong with these people??? Found MY parking spot, Pret is there, all the other usual suspects. POURING rain. And peeps think I'm wacked???

Friday, November 14, 2008


dunno what to make of it, all I know, another week under the belt.

86th this am. Should'a taken the day off, but in view of impending rain, hadda do something. Did 6, then more. Felt good, after almost a week of St.Francis, running flat is a pleasure.

Came home, no fartin' around this pm. Glad I did. Guess who was home? I was breaking Spike's balls re: never attending a full week of school, and...lo n' behold...he's home. Was ready to go this am when he puked. I told ya' before, I quit.

So, was it a good week or a bad week? Dunno.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

the end is near!!!

one more day, draaaaaaaaging to the finish line.

St.Francis again this am, temps getting warmer. Short sleeves, shorts, gloves.

Knee hurts, getting used to the 6-7 a day again. Wanted to take a day off, but no. Suck it up wuss.

Fortunately, Lucy DIDN'T pull the ball away, i.e. the skies DIDN'T open up on my way back from St.Francis as they usually do. Got back to the job actually...what's that word....dry. Nice.

p/t this pm, arm is KILLING me, guess that means the therapy must be working (?!). Manana am got an app't with orthopedist. Prediction: 4 MORE weeks of pain/physical therapist. Why can't they just operate???

oh, and while we're on the subject (?) wassup with the state budget? People around here are freakin' over nothing. First: is the state supposed to turn a profit/break even??? Second, we won't close, and if we did, I'd bump some poor shlub with the same job title and less time. So, what's the biggie??? Again, work is what you do in between runs. AND, how the FUCK could we have become so dependent on Wall Street??? Dayum we be stoooopid. America gets what American deserves (wish I could remember who said that).

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Yes, Virginia, manana rain predicted. Can you beLIEVE this shit??? Really gettin' played out.

St.Francis this am. Hooded sweatshirt n' shorts + gloves (37 degs). The weekend has the big 5k, really should'a signed up for the Race to Deliver, but you kind'a gots'ta do the Mustang.

Hope the Wearers of the Green show like we did last week. REALLY strong showing @ the Autism 4m, hope we can recreate that scene.

Scroll down for group pic from 11/9.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

another notch on the belt

ok, drove ALL the way from suburbia to meet Pret, missed by thiiiiiis much. Dayum!!! So, had a few hours to kill before running with the group, ducked into the job to chip away @ the pile of shit awaiting me for Wednesday. Spoke with Pret, like I said, juuuuust missed one another. Gotta learn NOT to be so friggin' detail oriented. My loss there.

So, went to the club, changed into shorts and hooded sweatshirt-gloves also (ANYONE who says/types/thinks "hoodie" gets it right between the eyes. Obama DID say he'd maintain and utilize the death penalty in such cases). Def the right choice.

Couldn't wait for the club. They come to talk, socialize, AND run/walk. I show up for an undetermined reason, but cann't wait for talkers who inevitably make us start late. My loss there as well. Wish I could get this social animal thing down, but too impatient.

Felt good. Good thing didn't set out earlier, was 39 degs when I started. Summer's gone ('ya think???)

Missed Pret sorely.

***miracle of the day: got a call from Geico, they're recovering my deductible. Are they amazing or what???

*****downer of the day: imagine being off for the day, and having to avoid where you lay your head? HATE "living" this way, but can't split. What would happen to Spike??? We've been down that path before. Gotta suck it up. Still sucks though.

Monday, November 10, 2008

no, that WASN'T your imagination

I'm the kinda person that: if it doesn't get posted online it didn't happen. No, not referring to the blog, this is just free therapy, I mean race results.

Did the 4m Autism run yesterday. Not to do well, but to share in the experience: a first time race, great cause, challenging course, and the club would be there. Sooooooo, after making lots of noise to support our peeps, after running very well considering the course, what happens? Nothing. Zip. Bupkis. My fucking results didn't get posted. I emailed the guy from JMS, and called. He responded asking WAY too many questions, leaving our conversation with "I'll check with GLIRC, it appears I have to fudge it." FUDGE it????? Like my results are changing the awards breakdown????? So, long story insufferable: he checked with GLIRC, they vouched for me, results posted.

Now, why is this important? I don't EVER wanna be one of those assholes who have a bone to pick with seemingly everyone and everything, i.e. "Oh, I don't do ANY JMS scored race because once they....." what petty crap. But it annoyed me endlessly that my cred was doubted. That's ok, they must deal with alot of weasals, but, I told them as much info as I could. All's well..............

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Yum yum, eat 'em up!!!

wow. We done good!

In a 4m that was in our backyard, we collected hardware across the board. Quite an accomplishment.

It was a tough race, hilly, rolling hills, long downhill. Yet, and this was big as for many it was their first post-Marathon run, we smoked 'em.

What made it nice was the race director is one of us by association. AND, many who normally don't race were there. Really came together as a club.

One factoid: if I reeeeeeeally wanted to, I could make Boston. But I see how some who did amazingly well @ The Marathon are STILL feeling the effects. I wanna be able to run the next day. Not necessarily the day after a marathon, but manana I'll be out there. @ my age/speed it ain't about winning, it's about the Zen of it all.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

what the HELL was that???

ok. Another weekend, another chance to try stuff out, i.e. race.

Lots of options today, actually had the brochures for 3 races on the passenger seat, but first, do The Line. Each race was only a 5k, so hadda get them there miles, mon.

Did St.Francis, felt good. Ran into the group on my way out, saw Dave, the man's a friggin' miracle. I've been blessed to know 3 such people in my life, including myself, the others: Steve and Tom. Dave actually was taken by the Prez of The Wearers of the Green givin' him props on his Marathon time. Amazing. a)a true gentleman, b) a truly humble person.

So, felt good, now, decisions, decisions. What to do, what to do. Decided on Eisenhower. A weird ass race-who the fuck starts a race @ 11 am, but that says something for the organizers. Also, the LIRRC peeps were scoring it, AND as it was their turf, chances were excellent I'd know it and do well. OK, sold. Off we went.

Got there late for me-1 1/2 hours before the run. Asked the organizers whose idea it was to do it @ 11, they looked @ each other. Not runners, but kind people. Spoke with Bob Patterson, he said they had 22 preregged. Hmmmmm, sounds like this one'll reach the epic numbers of our Back Alley. He's doing the Autism run manana, as THIS race was also for autism, I couldn't resist calling it Autism Weekend.

Total 29 people in all, nice run-glad I did St.Francis before. Placed 9th overall, first in my age group. VERY cool, twenty years from now no one'll ask either how many runners there were in all-or how many in my age group (2). So, what did I win? A trophy? Medal? Ribbon? Neither, a $25 American Express gift card (from which $3.95 is deducted @ first use). OK, I recouped my investment-also goody bags. Odd, no trophies or bagels. But, a fun run, can't QUITE call it a race, believe me, all the racers were @ the Veterans Day 4k in Northport-as I usually am. But, really sick opf the same old shit year after........this one was fun. GLAD I wore the colors, Fred and the LIRRC peeps gave loudspeaker props, and two runners asked "aren't you that guy we see @ the park." P.R. at work n'est pas.

Should'a rested, but that's not in my vocab.

THEN the skies again opened up. Conditions for the race were near perfect-a bit too warm, but tourists wore coats, what does that tell you, 57 degs. Got home, raked the leaves (HATE that, but G forbid someone slips), then BOOM, rain rain rain.

So...would I have preferred a trophy or medal? Yes. You know I'm a medal whore. But, I got way more than I expected (nothing, never disappointed that way). Funny part, I think they expected better numbers. There was no raffle, and they had a bunch of gift cards left, so they announced "if you want one come on up." Kinda cheapened my award, but, everyone went home happy.

...I thought love was only true in fairy tales...it seemed the more I gave the less I got........then I saw her FACE!!!!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

back on the chaingang

eased back into it. Did 86th. Total 6 n' some.

Felt good, faster than I usually do, but good. Manana the autism weekend starts. Saturday a 5k, Sunday a 4m. Odd n'est pas? Odder STILL, manana's race starts @ 11. A good excuse to get out of the Veteran's Day 4k @ VA ratrace. Did it for too many years as a tribute to where I used to golf, until I couldn't go there anymore without memories of Steve and his son. Good times for sure, but painful to relive his loss. Helluva guy. And to think, THAT motherfucker signed me up for my first race 2 weeks after I started running-Cow Harbor. KNEW we were tight when he wrote "congratulations" on my mother's funeral card-he knew I'd get it despite the staff thinking he was wacked. He was, but our kinda wacked. He's always with me.

STILL gonna try n' do the "use the marathon as a base layer" thing. Use it as a foundation, never running less than 6 +. Races don't count, they're speed runs. Yes, even @ my pace. Don't get funny.

Goin' with Spike to see Role Models. Looks good.

Wasn't THAT good, but ok. Bless Keith. We rate movies, he ALWAYS rates them 8.5. Little optimist. Put it this way: wait for it to come to cable.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

back in the saddle

really hadda fight myself NOT to hit the road again, but, gots'ta repair.

Went to p/t again, this is getting tired, but gotta. The muscles appear to have tightened, REALLY tightened, so now, rather than the cold, it's heat therapy followed by deep tissue massage. Hurts like hell after, sore. Running's easier.

Had the bored meeting, then membership meeting. Really hate to wear out a point, but after The Big One, it's tough to get regrounded. These meetings seem so trivial. But it WAS a chance to again thank the peeps who were there @ 14 +. This run really is a ny thing, we made it a Queens thing.

***scroll down for pix of the shipwreck. You'll be left with the distinct feeling of "isn't this where the homeless live?/How can ANYONE live this way?" (remember, It cleans OTHER people's houses for $$$.

Now, the uninitiated will ask "why post these?" You need to know: It will critique everything, way beyond the usual spousal bitching, this is in the area of outright psychosis. Rip me a new one for everything-mostly imagined, yet totally and completely neglect where you rest your head, while teaching religion and housecleaning for "profit." I.E. the other day It had guests over for dinner. The piles (use your imagination) in the dining room and living room were nowhere to be found, the guests under the impression that I'm Satan (to be expected). Of course, it never dawned on them to ask It what role It plays in all this, nor to scratch the surface and see the rest of Toxichouse where all the shit was haphazardly thrown-with total disregard to it's occupants. Could YOU do this to those with whom you live? So, if It's friends think I'm Satan, let the world now judge if our version of decor is appropriate.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Hero Within Yourself

THIS is why we run. The bitch @ home never has a good thing to say, tonight's another one when It's in rare form. Angry bitch. Take a pill n' be done with it already, do us all a favor.

So why do we run? First, it's what we do. Second, we run obscene distances because it's what sets us apart. Lebow had that quote about the Hero Within Yourself. Don't expect validation from others, you'll be disappointed.

My peeps, on the other hand, are always there. I don't lean on them nearly as much as I should, but they're there.

In my bidness we define a dysfunctional household as one in which you never know what to expect when you get there. So, what's YOUR verdict???

Thank G for running.

Rec.Therapist from SB wants to do the Suntrust. Told him what my experience was, he wants to run it together. We'll see.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

almost back

stairs are STILL a bit painful. Gotta take @ least one more day off-perfect as it's s'posed 'ta rain.

Lots of well wishes from peeps, much appreciated.

What got me was the rec.therapist from S.I. came in @ 5 1/2. Now, factor in typical runner's low self-esteem, but I figure a guy who does a sub 2 hour 1/2 would've done better. He didn't think so, but I did.

Was really nice to see Terry "The Voice" Bisogno within the 200m mark, helped push my finish, didn't expect to see him, then again, after 26 miles you don't expect much. Another nice surprise was Michele Nero @ 14+. Pops up in the most unexpected places.

STILL can't believe I came in @ a sub 4 1/2. Wow!!!

*** pictures from the dinner down below.

Monday, November 3, 2008


this shit never gets old.

Took the day off to return to the scene of the crime. NEVER ceases to amaze me that Central Park is put back together, garbage gone, everything but the grandstands were gone. Really made you wonder: "did that really happen," then you go down a flight of stair-or attempt to-and reality sets in.

Tried like hell to avoid noting my time until I was ready, but the toothaste leapt from the tube: I done good! Very happy with my time. This was one of few marathons I had no walk breaks, walked through the Gatorade stops-no, can't drink n' run @ the same time, but other than that, consistent pace. My split reveals the same: consistent pace. Nice. Really was a perfect day for running, shitty for the spectators, but great for us.

Can't say enough for the wonderful support. We're wacked for running such a distance, but @ least we have an excuse. The truly wacked are the wonderful peeps who show up to give us what we need. Bless you all. REALLY gave the push needed. The comment was made that I looked "strong," easy to look strong when you know you're on stage.

THAT made me buy the goddamned jacket. Hadda. I'm very proud of what we were able to accomplish.

Thank you.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

please allow me to introduce myself

SOMETHING about the boogie down Bronx that does it. Last year, "Let's Go Crazy" was playing when we came off the bridge, this year "Sympathy for the Devil." Amazing. But don't let's get ahead of ourselves.

Got my am wake-up call from Tom. Actually, my Murphy's Law call. It was 4 am, Tom called wondering where everyone was. Turns out SOMEONE forgot to turn their clocks back.

Got to Runner's Edge, onto the bus, away we go. To the fort, 6:30, then chillax, wait, eat, wait some more. Of course, become best friends with the guy to my right. A Delaware cop, sold him on the idea of doing the Manhattan Run. @ this point Tom found me-we'd l,ost each other as soon as we went grazing (2 POWER BARS, 3 BAGELS, 2 CUPS OF COFFEE). OK, so far so good. Hang, TRY to stay warm. It was FUCKING COLD. Ok, we're ready, garbage bags, blankets (thank you taxpayers), STILL cold feet-above the waist, no prob. Tom went off in wave 2, I waited for 3. Not a prob, we were called to the corrals, away we went-faster than last year.

Not bad, upper level of the Verrezano-a first for me, always had been on the bottom (hee hee, go ahead, go there). Before we knew it, my fave borough for this run. God bless Brooklyn.

Made it to the halfway point knowing my peeps were @ mile 14+. Got to them, G forgets my package. THAT was funny. So into the excitement, completely slipped the mind. Apologized profusely (never mind that it was thoughtful to ask if I wanted anything stashed for me-very kind), no biggie, ended up handing it to me like a QB handing off to a RB. Also, saw Deb-noticed me n' gave a shout out-thanks!!!, as well as the College Point peeps-Carmen urging me to re-up my potassium with a banana (a constant source of amusement for me-hello, banana peels???)

Lo n' behold, my heart is there!!! Didn't know, complete surprise!!! Wrong side of the street, but no matter. Uber cool. Way to go G!!!

Before too long, there it is, the 59th. street bridge. NICE. From then on in, it's a skate.

So...how'd it go? Well, I used those pocket shorts my heart had given me, worked perfectly. Had 3 powergels in 'em, then re-upped on the course. Worked like a charm. The AP singlet worked VERY well, but of course, I threw off the raisin suit too early and was forced to pickup a discarded shirt along the way. It's like my yearly thing. THAT kept me ok. Did Gatorade Endurance @ every stop until 23 (if you need fluids with 3 miles left, you fucked up big). Wore gloves for the first half, like I said it was FUCKING COLD, until you got a head of steam. GREAT running weather, shitty hangin' weather.

Also, unfortunately, they herded us out like last year, total bullshit. But, hey, c'est la vie. What WAS uber annoying was the crowds that kept spilling onto the course. They really gotta hold 'em back. This was the first year it became a problem. Snd yes, my arm is killing me. Kept forgetting to hang on the left side of the course-how can you NOT low five a munchkin?

My best NY time yet. Nice. And to think I almost bailed. Was pretty low there for a period, Shebitch-despite my best efforts, affecting me-something about her usual psychosis + no heat that pained me to the core. But no, couldn't quit. Never do.

...made damn sure that Pilate...............

Saturday, November 1, 2008

18 hours

home stretch. Now it's time to relax and try not to have any stupid boo-boos.

Last night: Shebitch wakes me up to ask if I knew where Keith was. No you can't write stuff this good. It's 10 pm, do you know where the bitch's mind went?

Saw the crowd @ the Parkhouse this am. Hadda go get a singlet for Tom. Good to get regrounded. Then off to the Y. THAT was weird, saw the "old crowd," taxi driver, Richie, racquetball guy. Really weird. I was the guy wishing "the guys" a good weekend when I left. Not so long ago I was on the outside looking in, seeing guys be guys, wishing each other a good weekend. These humans, not a bad lot.

Kept missing my heart, gardening, flat tires, lots of priorities. Always there nontheless.

I'll never be the same.

Friday, October 31, 2008

2 days

a mere 48 hours, and G is on our side!!!

Went to The Park to do a quick run with Tom. Warned him to go ahead of me, that I was doing St.Francis, he wanted to run with me-fool that he is-so I was forced to pick up the pace/shorten the distance, so we went 4+, but at HIS pace. Ouch. Didn't wanna push too hard, really should'a taken the day off, but would'a been bouncing off the walls.

Did the expo, had a BLAST! Went in with Tom and Hank. When Hank said he wanted to go I was annoyed, I didn't know him too well, but of course had an opinion. But, when you throw it out to the club, it isn't just to A listers, but to all. Turns out to have been a great experience. Got to know him better, a good guy. I couldn't have been more off base. HE has a history and a half, knew/ran with not only Lebow, but George Sheehan as well. He has years with Prospect Park. Wow.

Expo was cool, saw the usual suspects there, FMG guy-he actually remembered my name-first time he didn't call me "mohawk." Got our numbers from Carlos from College Point. This experience really brought home the idea that this is OUR marathon.

Went to Paragon. Every year they have a big "free lunch" come on, they bus you to their store, feed you etc.....this was the first year we did it. Well worth it. Pizza, hot dogs, fruit, not bad-free-what the hell-PLUS got to meet and get a signed poster from Deena Kastor. Wow. Told her she really was an inspiration in the movie, that she looked truly in her element during the race-as we all are-but her smile really was something. Really a nice person. Her catchphrase/what she signed the poster with was "dream large," nice compliment to "live strong." What I REALLY liked, got a couple of other autographs too, was the stars took the time to ask "is that Gerry with a G or a J." Runners ARE a breed apart n'est pas.

Then off to dinner. Tom had the bright idea-too late unfortunately-to have the restaurant/caterer he works with, make up some pasta, all we needed was a location to sit n chow down. Helen volunteered, but this must be for the next gathering. Tonight was the Olive Garden, and, lo n' behold, everyone showed up! On time no less!!! Really fun, great bunch of people. Gillian (STILL can't bring myself to record a Sarah Maclachlan cd, just can't do it, pc refuses) offered to drive me to the start sunday, what a group. Made me proud. Never again will I sneer @ the Olive Garden. The food WAS good.

Monday will inevitably come, but the wonder of such events, I'll not be the same, you never are. Really nice benefit of running, with each challenge, you evolve. With each daily run, you're not the same thereafter. Even better (ever think I'd say this???) when it's a shared experience with peeps. Bless them. Thank you guys. Owe you more than you'll ever know. No, not gonna go all Elton John on ya', but you know who you are.

*best Halloween costume: you know those guys with the 5 gal water bottles collecting on the streets for the supposedly homeless, "give a penny..." one of them was smart enough to do a homemade Heath Ledger Joker costume-he was outside Paragon. VERY good costume. Didn't contribute, but very good costume.

.....you don't know but you have come to see the strange man, changed man. Lots of people mess around, me I do this in every town, sometimes I feel like a circus clown, but I'm a strange man, changed man. Deranged man, changed man.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

3 days, 72 hrs!

The end IS in sight.

St.Francis this am-for a change. 37degs, cold-but good. Actually, picked up speed @ run's end. Dunno whether it's the knowledge of what's around the corner, or actual-dare I say it?-progress?

Things are picking up for the pasta dinner as well. Looks like a re-gathering of the tribes.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

4 days!!!

What did I come home to? No, not the s.o.s., GOOD news (surprise surprise surprise!!!), the Quebec Marathon certificate. Ahhhh, good times. Really WAS catching lightening in a bottle. Gotta-again-give G props, few days before The Big One n' what's in the mail? Nice. Grab an atheist.

St.Francis this a.m., cool, not cold. Either I'm gettin' used to it or it wasn't windy. Biggest problem: BRANCHES. Almost broke my butt falling-yes, again. G was looking out-i.e. running in the dark w/branches littering the road=great exercise in keeping your knees high.

Settling in on a time for the peeps to hook up for dinner. Got bless cruise director Julie, not to mention Tom for hatching the idea.

Spike? He'll be either with his brotherfromanothermother or his school peep. I was worried: it's really his last halloween as THAT age-he's right on the cusp. Def NOT a day he should be alone. I'd offered to keep him outta school, he could hang with me, go to the expo-he's never been to the Javits center, then dinner with the peeps, but no, he's hooked up.

One more day of St.Francis, then...(theme from Jaws)......here it comes!!! AND temps are predicted to be doable. Nice. Grab ANOTHER atheist.

*and yes, the arm is friggin' KILLING me.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

5 days!

wow. Gettin' that butt clenching sense of excitement.

Downside: RAIN!!! No, couldn't bring myself to run in it, took the opportunity to sleep in. It happens.

Toxichouse, s.o.s. turns out we have no heat because Shebitch didn't pay the bill...the company refused our contract...gonna be a COLD winter.

Good news: 5 days!!!!!!!

Things I love about the marathon:

1)Roadway signs announcing "Verrazano br. closed from 6am-3 pm."

2)Billboards all over-esp on MTA busses, promoting the marathon.

3)"What it takes" catchphrase.

4)In mid run, attempting to chat w/runners on the right or left-slowly realizing NEITHER speaks english.

5)The jet engine roar of the crowd as you exit the 59th. st. bridge.

6)Smiles on the faces of the NYPD and FDNY.

7)Low 5-ing the kids.

8)The U.N. atmosphere you feel with each passing block in Brooklyn.

9)Seeing the Striders in LIC, like an oasis in the desert.

10)The sensation of being embraced by the city, and the feeling that as a result of having run it, you OWN the city.

11)The pride that comes with doing what few can.

Heard Teresa on WCBS 880 on the drive home being interviewed.

Funny how everything else pales. Didn't even think back to places now long gone-i.e. Marine Corps. Loved that run, but it got to be too much. One of the miracles of running is how it got me back in touch with myself. To whit, I truly feel, for me, wherever I am @ that moment is "where it's at." That's what life is about really n'est pas? That place where you're at is the best possible place to be. Nice feeling, grounded, centered. My sponsor always used to tell me that, "you are where you should be." Took years to feel it.

Monday, October 27, 2008

I've got to admit, it's getting better!!!

WOW! Wearers of the green smoked Totten. Really happy. The nice part, we placed in various categories. Down side: not that many entrants, that race deserves to have bigger numbers, but we made it ours. Wish I could'a been @ two places @ once.

Ok, 6 days and counting. You can feel the buzz. Phone from one of my peeps, setting a plan for the expo+. So far, put out the word that we're hitting Javits friday, Olive Garden after. All agree the carbo loading the day before is uber stupid.

St.Francis this am, another notch on my belt. Manana, rain, lots of it. I'm ready, got the rain gear. Can't take a day off this close.

***over 5,000 hits on the site. NICE!!!!!!! Kudos Deb.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I Don't Suck!!!!!

Not bad. Did the Poland Spring 5m. Now kiddies, remember: you know that person you have in your life who gives you what you need? Gives positive affirmations? Validates you? Know how you have your place arranged juuust so, looking forward to coming home to it nightly? Now, subtract all that, add a shrieking always raging bitch, n' you got my situation. Night before a big one, yelling, screaming, in other words, the s.o.s. That's not a downer, not depressing, it is what it is. So, we head out to the race. Not a moment too soon.

Killer parking spot, missed Tom-this corral thing isn't real conducive to hooking up, but saw some of the usual suspects. ALOT of people @ this one, with The Big One a week away, no wonder.

Reading the Lebow book. Wow. Was in awe of today's race, but with the thought in the back of my mind "wonder if Fred ever thought it'd get THIS big???" AND, one of my fave things: I'm off the day after, so I get to go back to the scene of the crime and witness the post-event. God I love this shit.

Did well, under 9, for me that's good. Sue and Tom smoked it. Bless 'em. I was glad to be there, experiencing what I'll be too wiped to take in next week.

Come home, It's out @ some Dog walk fundraising shit, Spike in his pj's @ the computer. No breakfast. No nothing, but go on the fundraiser. Take care of everything else EXCEPT what's under your roof. Hide the sharp objects.

One week to go, 7 days, I can make it.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

8 days

can you smell it? Right around the corner.

Did St.Francis in the am, hooked up with the Green Peeps, sharing info re: The Big One. Ran with Russ and Christina-for a mile-hey, I ran with them n'est pas? Impressed myself there. Dave was doing his last 8 before The Big One.

Some are doing the 5k manana, the rest the Poland Springs Marathon 5m. Hopefully the Wearers of the Green will represent well @ both. What cheeses me off is we keep supporting Queens events. It seems we're the only peeps that do. Good for us!

MAN did it feel good to reconnect this am. Legs felt like lead, too used to running pre-dawn, but seeing the peeps-esp they that'll be on the road next week or @ 14+ mark, well, it just made my heart full. For that all too fleeting time, was able to feel good about myself. Nice.

*fyi: backstory; Shebitch has yet to secure an oil contract. Yes kiddies, we have no oil heat. You think I exaggerate? Still wonder why I do what I do???

Friday, October 24, 2008

Thank YOU!

thanks to you, I made it. This was a rough week-major understatement. But, made it.

Again, perspective is everything. Went to the NYRR to get stuff for Sunday's 5m, and got into the spirit. As in: of things that REALLY matter, yes kiddies: The Big One.

Never gets old.

No small realization that everything else is chaff to the Big One's wheat.

Again, esta manana, St.Francis. Yummm. PURRRRRFECT weather.

Took Spike to see SAW 5. Another reason to be happy you have a son. Could you imagine taking your daughter to this-I think not. He was sick, home from school. Not THAT sick-how healthy do you need to be to sit in a theater. And yes, for the informed reader, he's sick AGAIN. Something about a sedentary lifestyle in which the word "vegetable" is a word on a page.......don't get me started.

Focus, focus, focus. 8 days to go.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

sucks for you

pity...Americredit calling It for late car payments.....suddenly the picture frames I had in the dining room and living room are moved to the den......hmmm.....wonder how Webster defines displacement??? Complaints re: the cost of the biscuits the dog wouldn't eat...hmmmmmmm.

Fuck It.

St.Francis this am, cold-very cold. 9 days to go until The Big One. YESSSSS. Let Shebitch bitch. Doesn't matter. Not a lick. Thank G for my peeps.

Perspective IS indeed everything. Since I started running, I've been fortunate. Through no fault of my own, people have come into my life who keep me sharp and challenge me-the bar being raised ever higher. It associates with assholes who believe whatever It tells It, suckers. What kills me, It has poisoned my brother as well. Doesn't say much for him does it??? THAT realization hurt deeply. Proof, we all go out alone eventually, some earlier than others. THIS is what I feel daily. THIS is why I run.

My peeps know me better than I know me. It's peeps know the shit It feeds them. My peeps keep me honest and can smell shit a mile away. This is why we grow.

So, why a marathon? Remember the year I did about one a month? If you've run one you needn't ask why. If you haven't: marathon running is the nest plus ultra. NOTHING you do in life comes close. If you disagree, sorry, you don't get "it." Once done, you're never the same. Why more than one? Like a dog chasing it's tail, you try to recreate that initial experience, though you know you can't. You do it merely because that's what you do.

You look at the rest of life as transient. Things that come and go between marathons. Relationships are couched in the context of they that get "it," and the rest.

Compared with that, again, for the record, fuck It. It really doesn't matter. Anyone who can help you, support you, ok, be with me. But from the moment I walk into the house to the second I leave, NOTHING but negative words are uttered, NOTHING but F bombs, while @ all other times teaching religion and preaching 12 step crap. Makes me wonder how anyone can believe that shit, but that's their problem. Like a marathon, eventually, in the long run, you're with you and you alone. They you meet along the way are surreally helpful-the proverbial cup of water when you've hit life's wall. Bless you. You know who you are.

9 days and counting. And after.....do it all over again ;). Life IS good.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I got a new attitude!!!

back to "avoid the house before _____o'clock." Better this way. Downside: I'm sure Spike's report card is gonna suck, but, I can only do so much. REALLY had it with being emasculated in the presence of my son. Later for this. WHY would someone endlessly critique the parenting of another??????? I uust don't get it. It hurt too much, hadda let it go. Spike knows I'm there for him, but-out it this way-when even a 13 year old refers to his maternal unit as "that bitch," do the math. AND It has the nerve to tell him to watch his language-when It returned from doing laundry the other evening, FIRST words out of it's mouth were "fuck.....fuck..." @ which point I of course interjected "Mommy's home!" But Keith should watch his language. Right.

*p.s.Shebitch on major psycho tear, again. First It asks me if I called my bro (you know, the one It claims gave It $$$ for a divorce???) to confirm thanksgiving plans. (!), THEN goes mental re: I owe It $45 for the dog biscuits. Yes, the biscuits Hulk wouldn't eat. Women really CAN hold onto shit n'est pas, oops, mental women.

So, St.Francis. Again. COLD!!!! Wearing gloves now. Gots'ta. Just think, in 11 days what will the temp be? REALLY getting excited.

***See down below for pix from the Get to the Point 5k. Thanks Elik!!! Cool to see 2 Wearers of the Green in close proximity.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

just when you thought...

it couldn't get any worse....

make it a point to get home asap to review Spike's homework. Today's mission: 86 the chickenscratch. Translation: he uses pens, not pencils, crosses out to the point that it'd give Gandhi a headache. So, left voicemail this am re: starting today no mas, either use pencil or scrap. You can imagine his response, to be expected for sure. Problem lies with Shebitch, of course. With every comment I make patiently explaining this to him, stressing that homework reflects on him as a person, It's making side comments in the background. Not kind side comments. Think. You'd think parenting would be reinforced rather than sabotaged. THAT hurt. I left the house telling him "have your mother check your homework, I'm done." And I am.

St.Francis predawn. Gotta get used to the cooler temps. Which brings us to our next point: Spike's breathing. Of course every window in the house is shut, he has a headache and runny nose. Hmmmmmmm. THEN I get lectured re: the cost of home heating. I give up, how can this get worse.

12 days and counting............

Monday, October 20, 2008

13 days and counting

rare "off" day, hadda: did the almost 1/2 yesterday, knees killing me.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

no, you CAN'T write stuff this good

Shebitch does 5m walk for breast cancer. Now, think about it. Ignores It's family, curses the father of It's child in the child's presence, but will walk for breast cancer. Amazing. Utterly amazing. AND, the best: yesterday, did the Oysterfest 5k, Keith STILL in pj's when I come home, we went to see Max Payne. We come home, Shebitch indicates I must drive him to his brotherfromanothermother's for a party. Now again, think. Shebitch is home all day, but has the tits to tell me to chauffeur. Truly a useless bitch. Took GREAT pains to explain to Keith that though his mother treats him like luggage, I adore each moment spent with him. Can you imagine how he felt??? Cheapertokeephercheapertokeephercheapertokeepher. Bitch.

So, what did today bring? "The Six Hour, Sixtieth Birthday" run. Now, for the uninitiated, you do a 2.1 mile loop @ Sunken Meadow Park until either you lose your mind, cut it short saying "I've had enough," or the horn sounds indicating 6 hours.

I set out to do between 5 and 7 loops, thus, completing a half marathon. I got what I came for. After what seemed like 80 loops, I'd completed 5, unknowingly. Only way I kept track was the clock. Figuring around 20 mins per loop, I was on track. Eventually, I'd passed a couple of walking peeps, figuring-using them as benchmarks, I was drawing close to my feill. Sure enough, I was. Took one walk break on the last loop, but got my 6 loops in. Perfect. 6 loops = between 12/13 m. Ok. I'm satisfied, can run another day without taking manana off, and reconnected with my peeps.

Tom was there, bless his honest/open heart. Spoke with me yesterday, reflecting what was on my mind: "I miss you," how many guys have the balls/are so secure in their masculinity to admit that? Helluva guy. Michelle Nero was there-bless her, one of Curtis's crew, and of course, Vinny, Mike and the Glirc peeps.

This one was good because it marks several points in my life. When I first started I did this one to the point of exhaustion-did 26 + /ALMOST a marathon when the horn sounded. Ouch. Then and there I internalized the fact that you DON'T have to kill yourself to train. Gots'ta save something in the tank.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


did the Oysterfest 5k. NOT the brightest thing to do after a race last night and long run tomorrow, but this was a tourist thing. The bluepeoplewhoshouldjustcallaspadeaspadeandjoinaREALclub were there-well, 2 of them anyway. One mentions I should join the other further ahead in the pack. Right, like I could if I wanted to. Nice tights though. Good incentive.

Cool, brisk morning, actually wore a sweatshirt for the race-shouldn't have, but you know how the first cool race of the season can be deceptive. Dunno what manana's dress code will be.

Props to Deb for mentioning I was slowing down in the last 800 metres. Gave me what I needed.

DO regret one thing I have absolutely no control over: natural speed/lack thereof. The bluepeoplewhoshouldjustcallaspadeaspadeandjoinaREALclub, rarely race anymore, don't run like people possessed, yet are always light years ahead. Then again, they lack knee braces. I know it, but can't feel it. STILL believe hard work + dedication = speed. Wrong, obviously. Oh well, how long ago was it that I believed everyone who isn't grotesquely obese must automatically be happy and content since they're not stuck shopping @ the fat people's stores? What gives me the right to hope for something I've no right to?

cute, real cute

did the "Not So Midnight" 5k. Fun, held @ Republic Airport, this one WAS a midnight run until the wusses demanded an earlier start time. Bummer there, but a fun race nontheless. The only prob: 2 loops, last loop was the site of too many people cutting the course short-rather than 3.1 they did 2+. THAT pissed me off as in the "last" 800m a guy I was keeping pace with passed me to cross the finish line rather than go another loop. Oh well. I did well, left a lil in the tank for today and tomorrow, but ok. I was happy with my time. Nice, shirts-tech shirts.

Came back to Toxichouse, this time the peeps across the street were going at it. I was cracking up, ALMOST on the floor laughing. Why? Laughing @ another's expense? No. Because She sounded exactly like Shebitch, I mean "word for word." Though She has an excuse-She's a crackhead. I mean, if you closed your eyes, you'd have thought Shebitch was on another tear. Hilarious.

Friday, October 17, 2008

stay the course

lot to be said for those words.

Went to see the orthopedist, he ch-ch-checked me out, gave the rehab a thumbs up. Didn't know what to feel, ambivalence. Was secretly hoping he'd do surgery-STILL can't straighten the bugger. But, he said that's how these injuries go-they take FOREVER to regain full range of motion. Told him if were anyone but him, I'd ask for a second opinion-he's a runner, hence, his cred is ok. Gave him a Strider shirt-said he'd wear it manana on his run. Cool. 4 MORE weeks of p/t. Good side: gets me outta work early.

Did 86th + this am. Figured with tonight, tomorrow n' Sunday's races, take it easier. Got my 6+ in, but on an easier course. Felt good, cool in the am-54 degs. Nice. Looking forward to tonight's run, the scorers are triathletes-good group.

REALLY looking forward to The Big One. Only 2 weeks. Starting to think logistically-power gels etc.......

***AND, what comes in the mail following a phone call from T, THE CARD. As in: the card you gots'ta present w/I.D. @ The Big One. Getting pumped!!!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


for me anyway, off manana.

St.Francis again. Didn't wanna, but Shebitch in rare form last night. When was the last time you were awoken from a sound sleep, It's face inches from yours, SCREAMING. Yes, that was how I was awoken @ 9:30pm last night. Fun fun. What was the screaming about? Dog biscuits, yes, dog biscuits. Hulk wasn't eating some It bought, I gave them away, It freaked, left 2 voicemails @ the job, really went mental. This proceeded to "...and you call yourself a man........I feel sorry for your patients....." Yes, Spike was sitting literally in the middle. Joy joy.

So, hadda go longer, St.Francis, then, Kissena. Felt MUCH better.

Off tomorrow, St.Francis @ crack of dawn, orthopedist @ 8, Airport 5k @ 10, then sleep.

Miracle of the day: 1)Recreation Therapist from SBATC wants to run The Marathon together, like I'm in HIS league. Quite flattered, but we'll see.

2)Veeeeeeehicle back, no pain, VERY user friendly process. Nice.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

ok, terrific

St.Francis bright n' early. Nice groove we got goin' here. Another of those "hadda" runs-was scheduled to be @ a conference all day, so hadda get those miles in. Yes, another "before the sun rose" runs.

Was s'posed to hook up for the ride home, but wasn't to be. Good thing. I got home early, surprised Spike. He was-of course-@ the computer. I was fit to be tied. He was supposed to FIRST do his homework THEN play, but as Shebitch was nowhere to be found, he was left to his own devices. Can't believe that bitch. HOW can you expect a child to gain good habits, and when I reinforce them, It chimes in with comments from the peanut gallery, way to undermine. I REALLY wanted to kill him for lying to me, and I made this known.

God I hope someone somewhere takes note, I'd hate to think my efforts are wasted, we'll see. Don't call 'em the "terrible teens" for nothing. Then again, considering Shebitch abandons him for It's selfish needs, I should be happy he doesn't smoke crack...yet.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

one step closer

St.Francis VERY early-even by my standards. Usually the sun is juuuuuust about rising as I finish, not today, hadda be up extra early. Spike off, Shebitch having surgery, so hadda show my face, check homework etc.....SOMEONE'S gotta be a parent. Today was extra tough-he has HORRIBLE habits-hey, what would YOU do if left to your own devices-poor spelling/near illegible, really shit work. That's corrected, now to dinner, then fun. Had a GREAT plan for us to go out, but like all great plans, that fell to shit. I tried.

Back to our story: felt warmer this am but with temps today expected to near 79, to be expected.

Manana, to the city for a meeting. Damn. Gotta squeeze in the run before.

Monday, October 13, 2008

I'm BACK!!!

After a "lost weekend," 1m on sat, 5k on sun, back to St.Francis. Felt REALLY good. Actually felt strong. Alot to be said for rest, even if it came after 2 days of shorter/sprinter distances. Was funny passing the school's football players on their way to practice-they were beginning as I was ending. Yin and Yang. Life. Surprised not more peeps @ the park, their loss.

Took the veeeeehicle to the collision place, thanking G for Geico all along the way. Gave them my veeeeehicle, they gave me keys to a rental-seamless. AND all I gotta pay is $.39 per day. As in cents. I love my coverage. Pays to think of tomorrow rather than focus on the moment.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

now THAT'S what it's all about

did the Get to the Point 5k. Quite the event. Sucks that it starts @ 1pm, but that's really a testament to the 'hood. THIS race is what it's all about-coming together for a good cause, and having a blast!

Saw my peeps from far and wide, and thank G, 2 Wearers of the Green showed. Nice!!!!! THIS is one of those races I wish everyone I knew did. In Greenpoint/land of 1,000 churches, more Polish than Poland. And it all goes to the St.Stan's Athletic club. Really a together neighborhood. THIS is the race where the food is such that it reaches the point of gluttony-they used to have servers with trays serving White Castles as you waited on the food line. And, TONS of raffles. You could really get the sense from the MC that they were there to raise some $, but also to celebrate as a community. Nice, very nice.

Deb walked away with yet more hardware-she placed yesterday as well, and Jessica and her bf ran it. Really nice-and-the mc got to embarass Jessica by announcing her birthday for all to sing along to.

Back in touch with why I started running. Pure fun with no expectations. It was WONDERFUL to have new blood there. Being @ this one with the newest Wearers of the Green really brought it all home/full circle. Remember that spark-now long lost -in your eye when that fire first burned in your belly? The joy that came from pushing yourself harder than you thought? The naivete/optimism/excitement of the first couple of races? THIS made it worthwhile. Not being there for selfish gain, but for the colelctive good. What a thrill.

.....I gotta walk before they make me run......................

Saturday, October 11, 2008

you get what you need

ok, did the St.Clement's race. SHOULD'A done St.Francis, but, Queens gots'ta stick together.

Not bad. A beautiful morning, race started WAY too late-10am, but I think they wanted to be inclusive of the late bloomers.

Suffice to say, it was a sea of green. We really made it our own, quite the showing. Unfortunately, we were the ONLY Queens club there, but fuck 'em. We done good. Another of those "youze guyz made me proud" moments. Not only did we place pretty much across the board, we helped run the event. REALLY nice. Not one of those what's in it for me," but a "what do I bring to the table." AND two notables helped underwrite it, it really WAS a Strider event. Reaffirms my belief that people are fundamentally good.

Had 20-ish more than last year, good to be growing. We placed in practically every category. I'm, again, quite proud. Wish I'd run longer, but proud.

Friday, October 10, 2008

alrighty then

hadda avoid Toxichouse last night, went out. Had done a drive-by, couldn't stick around, too Toxic, so headed out. In the course of returning, BOOM! Accident. DAYUM! Fender bender, right front corner pushed in, not a biggie, but enough. Geico couldnt'a been more user friendly. Monday I bring the veeeeehicle into their recommended body work place, pick up a rental right there, and pick up my veeeehicle when all's done. AND-for some odd reason, when I set up the policy, I set it up with a $100 deductible. WHEW!

Took Spike to see Quarantine. Nice. (why G gave us a son instead of a daughter). Great flixk for male bonding.

Got my St.Francis on this am, felt good. Hadda do it-1m tomorrow, 5k Sunday. Might actually have to run The Line beforehand. We'll see.

....I thought love was only true in fairy tales........seemed the more I gave the less I got.....then I saw her face!!!! I'm a believer!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

what the_______???

woke up, rain. Drats!!! Still...maybe...ok. Got dressed headed out. More rain.

Dammmmmmmmmmmmit!!! Got to the unit, misty. SHIT! Maybe, just maaaaaaybe it was G's way of getting me to take a day off? That's my story n' I'm stickin' to it.

Went to p/t. Ok so far, no progress whatsoever but I keep hoping against hope that the pros know better. Came home, THERE'S the fatal error. Shebitch out, Spike still in his pyjamas as we speak-it's almost 4 pm. Jeeeez. House devoid of food. And for some small reason his head hurts-no wonder. God grant me the serenity...............

Otherwise, s.o.s. And this is good. I like same.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


What came out 10-6 (besides me)? The Clash @ Shea Stadium!!! Now kiddies, this SOUNDS good, but...we're in the digital age. Record stores are history, Circuit City/Best Buy carry top 40. You can imagine how tough it was to find the cd without ordering it online. But...got that mother!!! Yes!!! And well worth it. I was @ that concert. The Clash were soon to disappear into history, were opening for the Who, and I thought they blew the Who away. It was me, my best friend Loewenstein, his best bud, and rain-lots of rain. We walked home after. Ouch. But it was AMAZING. What fun. You CAN go back again, in a manner of speaking.

AND, what ALSO came out 10-7??? The Liz Robbins tome. Wow. Really captures the essence of the event.

Quite the eventful release dates n'est pas?

St.Francis again. Brisk, cool again. Everyone whining it was cold. Wusses. What're they gonna do when winter kicks in??? Good news gets better: found a killer set of longs @ Target-6.98. Do I already have millions, yes, but hey, @ a sub 7 cost???

....n' a man needs something when he ain't got nothin' to hold onto...n' there ain't no tellin' when I feel like yellin' "I love you!!!..."

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

on a roll here

God grant me the serenity.......

With each passing second it seems I grow increasingly intolerant-if it's at all possible/not that I was tolerant. The old fuse just keeps getting shorter and shorter. Why SHOULD I (or anyone for that matter) have to put up with assholes??? Rhetorical q (the assholes were always there, my fuse is just at it's end). The boss is currently #1, actually topped Shebitch-no small accomplishment there. Keeps putting me in shit situations. He's got the 5 year window of retirement-could be next year, could be in the next 5. His anal-icity is growing with each passing day. REALLY wish he'd just shut up and lemme take care of business.

Shebitch is back to normal, forgot what I called Spike but It had the nerve to correct me-I of course refreshed It's memory of language directed to It's offspring "pain in the ass," "stupid," real uplifting shit. Funny how some believe they have an inherent right to judge while not accomplishing a goddamned thing in their lives. Meanwhile, we have mashed potatoes and toast for dinner. Yes kiddies, yesterday it was a 3 lb lobster, today.....Yes, I'm living with a child-a mental child.

OK, so, St.Francis continues serving me well. Thank G. Crisp, VERY brisk morning. Almost long sleeve weather, but can't, yet. VERY happy with the distance, hadda. Gots'ta log 'em.

Got an e mail re: the wave starts. I'm in wave 3, set to go off @ 10:20. Beats last year's time by 45 minutes-on paper. Truth be told, there's no telling when wave 3 will actually cross the starting line, but hey, at least most of the wearers of the green are doing it this year, few deferred. Runners of the ilk of Sue, Tom, Dave the SuperJew are in wave 2; Yariv etc are in wave 1. As well they should. Hadda celebrate: bought a pair of green cons.

...and those who loved and lost will know the way it feels-to touch the night without the one you love.

Monday, October 6, 2008

parallel universe?

did St.Francis+. Hadda. What would YOU do to mark another year on the planet? Felt good. Crisp, cool morning. No more shirtless runs.

So, today I turn 49. Wow. Never thought I'd make it past 40. Feel really good. Did Grete's in faster time than last year. Can't complain.

So...wassup with the parallel universe? Walked into the house (Toxichouse), Birthday baloons, the Run Fatboy Run DVD (GREAT movie), a wonderful card, Shebitch is out. Perfect. Where is It? Out getting Lobster to cook for dinner. Did I walk into the wrong house?????

It enters the house with a 3 lb lobster in hand. Fucker was a behemoth!!! Real fun putting him into the boiling water. Spike n' I tortured him proudly. Ahhh, those father/son bonding moments.

Also a couple of green tee's-American Eagle outfitters (gettin' down with my inner caucasian) and one Billabong. Green why? Ap baby!!!

So am I Satan today, to be turned into Shebitch's probono lawyer, or am I the Father again. Odd house n'est pas?

Happy Birthday to me. And thanks for being there for the ride. Couldn't have done it without your love.

******from the "you really can't write stuff this good" files: I was just asked to pick a date next week to be taken out for dinner. Assuming this means I'll be served instead of being WHAT'S served, I'm shocked. I DID apparently walk into the wrong house. I actually looked @ Shebitch and asked "what have you done with the person who lived here last night?"

.......this is ONE example of "magical thinking." Keep hoping against hope that when you walk in the front door you don't get a new one torn. Nights like this occur about once every 5 years. There IS an agenda: Shebitch's friend is having her birthday party saturday-since It's getting gifts for this groupie, I'm sure today hadda happen to keep homeostasis. Don't care. I'm thrilled to have one decent night in the past 4 years.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

so, did it stop or what???

woke up, pouring fucking rain. OK, suit up, see whassup.

Head to The Park. STILL pouring. Read the paper, await outcome. Sure enough, it stopped. Jeeeeez. Was this a test or what?????

Got my St.Francis on, felt good. After doing a half yesterday, anything else is easy. Trying to use the half as a base, but careful there kiddies, can't raise the bar too high too fast. Only a select crowd there @ the park, the few, the proud, the patient. I'm sure most woke up today thinking "it's raining," wusses.

Took Spike to the flix. Been too long. Prob is, no one but me does anything, but...(yes, we came home, Shebitch tells him to walk the dog. Odd how some people are great at telling others what they should be doing yet...................)

So, what did we see? Nick n' Norah's Infinite Playlist. VERY good. Actually wanted to see the Chihuahua flick, but a)Spike wasn't into it b)WHY would George Lopez-of all people-have ANYTHING with a flick that reinforces Latino stereotypes??????? (unfortunately, it IS funny, but...) So, Nick n' Norah's it was. REALLY good flick. Reminded me of my youth. Back when I'd be up for days going to one concert after another, recording @ Electric Ladyland...the way New York seemed the city of endless fun to a young'un. Miss those days, but now, if I'm up after 9 I'm tired (then again, getting up @ 3.....) STILL have that feeling of: there's something cool out there to do n' I ain't gonna miss it. Thank God. Keeps me from getting as old and bitchy as_______.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

missed it by THIS much


Did Grete's Great Gallop. Deb was there with Chel for the Norway Run, Tom n' Jerry did the 1/2. PERFECT morning for a run, crisp, very brisk-as in "wish I'd brought gloves/but then again, what're we gonna do when the REAL cold comes???" cold. But again, perfect for a race. Actually found a parking spot one block from the start-a friggin' miracle for a Saturday in Manhattan.

Saw some of the usual suspects, missed some. Pity really. A race like this has a length for everyone, their loss.

Did ok, actually VERY ok-2 mins faster than ever in Central Park for a half, but pissed. Wanted sooo badly to break 2 hours, but, wasn't to be. I got faked out. What I-and those around me-thought was the 12 mile marker was actually for 11, so we sprinted too far from the finish. SHIT! Was like having 2 - 12 mile markers. But, got the miles, logged 'em, 4 weeks to go until.........The.....Big.......One.

***Payback's a _____Joe Torre done it! Dodgers beat the Cubs. Who really gives a shit? Well, no one really, but, Joe Torre deserves it! The Yankee's jerked him off, he boogied, good. Fuck the Yankees, bunch'a overpaid prima donnas. Mets (overpaid yes, prima donnas, no) should'a grabbed him, but typical Mets, they cheaped out. Good for Joe!!!!! His best quote "nice to work in a town where sports ISN'T front page news." God bless him. Go Dodgers!!!

It? Back from Hospital. Damn.

Friday, October 3, 2008

it was the best of times/it was the worst of times

good news is: Shebitch is in the hospital.

bad news: dunno which hospital.

(you'll notice I'm not complaining).

Came home, Spike's alone. Turns out Shebitch hadda leave the job to go to the hospital. It didn't call to lemme know, so, guess I'll have a peaceful home tonight. Nice.

Downside: you KNOW I'm gonna get torn a new one for not having my crystal ball operational. Oh well.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


260+, impressive. N' the website has over 4,600 hits. Would be nice to break 300, but let's don't get carried away.

GREAT, n' I don't use the term lightly, GREAT meeting. The bored meeting flew, a new record: 26 minutes. With the incentive of our trip presentation, we had bidness to discuss, we did so, not bad, THEN moved on to the membership meeting. NICER! Hopefully, our newest member was impressed. The members riffed off the vibe from the trip, can actually say for ONCE seeing slides of "how I spent my summer vacation" didn't suck. The warmth was indeed infectious. Bless Helen and the peeps.

More good news: the committee got together to discuss proposals for the election. They actually came up with a couple of scenarios! NICE.

St.Francis this am, felt MUCH better. Dunno que paso ayer, pero, ouch! REALLY had zip. Today, actually felt strong(er), not quite up to snuff yet, but getting there.

.........here I come but I ain't the same.................

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

KNOW I'm gonna regret this but...

regged for the Oysterfest, sucks, only a 5k, but I didn't do it last year n' as a resident, gots'ta do it. But that's not the point: regged for the 6 hour GLIRC run. NOT that I'm gonna do the 6 hours, oh no. Gonna use it as a half. Each loop is 2.3 miles @ Sunken Meadow-XC, tough. If I can get at least 5 loops in I'll be good.

Did Kissena this am n' shouldn't have. Felt run dooooooown all day-to the point that I didn't have the energy to respond to e mails. THAT'S wiped. Hadda do it though. When I woke up it was raining, got dressed to run nontheless. By the time I got to The Unit, it was misty-perfect. The temps were in fact perfect, but I had nothing.