
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, December 26, 2008



Guess who claims to have done The Marathon. He did it in '92 in 4:18, then in '96 in 4:48. DAMNIT!!! My fucking priestbrother!

Went to Pete's (a.k.a. DMV brother, a.k.a. brother who gave Dana $ for a divorce) yesterday for Christmas. Priest brother is there as well. Why does he make me nuts? EVERYTHING is about him. I.E. "I have a program.....I did the .......MY department....." It's IMPOSSIBLE for him to say anything without him as the axis. It's frightening. A long time ago I accepted that the world would turn very well without my being on it. Am I the only one who gets that? AND, HE'S A PRIEST!!! What happened to...oh I dunno...lil things like "service," "humility." Wow. AND the fuck did NY. The Big One!!! DAMN. Made me wanna throw in the towel, but now I'm on a mission. THIS is why I associate with them once a year, one year not even that. GOD that sickens me.

Shebitch actually behaved, until we got home. Then It left for an AA meeting (yes Virginia, another warm fuzzy Christmas memory. A day spent with family, then Mommy ditches us to hang with alcoholics. Yummmmmmm). It and Keith were fighting over $8. Yes, $8. He had put it aside, savings from not having bought snacks. It jumped on it. Surreal. All over $8.

St.Francis with the Striders on Christmas. St.Francis solo today. Felt GREAT. On a roll here. Was gonna wait for a call from Pret, never came, good thing I didn't wait. Went out predawn per protocol. Hadda. Rain predicted. At least I got my couple of miles in before.

STILL can't believe that piece of shit does NY. Wrong. Just wrong.

1 comment:

goooooood girl said...

your blog is very fine......