
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


86th this am. Rain, ugggggggh. BUT, hadda do it. Precip predicted for the rest of the week to fri, so, do 86th as the Y isn't too far.

Ended up doing the whole route, light rain, a heavy mist really. Glad I did. Also, hadda do "other than St.Francis" route as tonight's the big party, so, hadda save some calories. In view of the precip, ALMOST went to ellip, but glad I ran.

ho ho.

Party went off without a hitch, thank G. Pret made it, didn't dare invite, but would've been heartbroken if not there. Thanks. My heart is full.

Boss did his usual critique-my attitude: if you weren't @ practice, shutup. His usual comment "where's the fire?" (I play fast). Lead, follow, or get the fuck outta the way.

Patients loved it. REALLY what it's all about.

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