
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, November 10, 2008

no, that WASN'T your imagination

I'm the kinda person that: if it doesn't get posted online it didn't happen. No, not referring to the blog, this is just free therapy, I mean race results.

Did the 4m Autism run yesterday. Not to do well, but to share in the experience: a first time race, great cause, challenging course, and the club would be there. Sooooooo, after making lots of noise to support our peeps, after running very well considering the course, what happens? Nothing. Zip. Bupkis. My fucking results didn't get posted. I emailed the guy from JMS, and called. He responded asking WAY too many questions, leaving our conversation with "I'll check with GLIRC, it appears I have to fudge it." FUDGE it????? Like my results are changing the awards breakdown????? So, long story insufferable: he checked with GLIRC, they vouched for me, results posted.

Now, why is this important? I don't EVER wanna be one of those assholes who have a bone to pick with seemingly everyone and everything, i.e. "Oh, I don't do ANY JMS scored race because once they....." what petty crap. But it annoyed me endlessly that my cred was doubted. That's ok, they must deal with alot of weasals, but, I told them as much info as I could. All's well..............

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