
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, December 14, 2008

but if you try sometimes...

ok, nice morning, tossup re: shorts or longs-went with the shorts, warm morning considering. So far so good. Up @ the usual crack of dawn, to The Parkhouse, nap then run. But nooooooooo, headed to the Y to sauna and ease the old muscles, THEN back to The Parkhouse. What do my ears perceive: the crackberry. Tom calling, asking que paso? He'd seen me napping @ The Park, didn't wanna disturb me......bless him. REALLY a good friend, the def of a peep. Between him and Pret I'm covered. So, back to The Parkhouse, hung with Tom, before we knew it, time to run. Actually waited for the club. A fucking miracle. Usually neither of us have the patience to wait for the chatters to get their rears in gear and actually, oh...I dunno.......RUN????? I.E. what we came for??? Too damn much talk. Then again, it IS a nice benefit.

So, actually ran with Tom and Lock. Yeah, I know, amazed myself. They must be slowing down or sought to include me. They pressed on-doing 8-10, I turned @ St.Francis.

Could'a gotten away with a t-shirt and gloves, but the shorts served me well. Unseasonably warm. Thanks G. Just what I need to enter hell week. 1)Gov gives his budget death knell Tuesday 2)Christmas party for the patients Wednesday-meanwhile the basement is a war zone due to construction. Yet ANOTHER challenge. Just what I need. The Christmas party the day after the Gov punches us in the balls. Nice. Ho ho.

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