
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, November 24, 2008

Lord I tried!!!!!

ok, tried to detach, couldn't. If I don't intervene, G will rightly place me in a lower rung of hell-present circumstances excluded.


Referring to parenting Spike. It's really depressing. I'm in the process of supervising his homework and Shebitch has to contradict everything I'm saying (if you have nothing supportive to add, shut the fuck up). AND, after he had a weekend @ his brotherfromanothermother's, he comes home with an X Box game his bro lent him. And Shebitch supports it. So much for no games for a month. And when pressed, i.e. "you MIGHT want to back the decision," It responds with words to the effect of "payback's a bitch," referring to my pulling him out of religion when It was in hospital.

Now. A)This was HOW many years ago???
B)Am I standing with a shotgun, preventing It from reenrolling him???????
It's really good at criticism, when It has accomplished literally nothing.

So, yes, St.Francis. After the flat 10k yesterday, felt damn good.

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