
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, November 15, 2008

friggin' rain!!!

can't beLIEVE the club peeps went running.

Got up, fell outta bed, felt the rain. SHIT! OK, need a day off, but.....maaaaaaybe.....

Headed to the job, STILL pouring, ok, this is beat. Head to the Y, seemed to remembere ther was a spin class. OK, I'm there @ 7:40, class starts @ 8. It's well past the customary mourning period, so, safe to reenter the world of spinning.

GREAT class, forgot how hard it can be buy hey, after a marathon, how tough can 45 mins of spinning be? The class was packed, the instructor very good. Few of the spin peeps asked where I'd been-guess I'm no0t invisible. Then, my miracle of the day: showered, looked in the mirror to make sure all the hardware was in place, SHIT! Lost one, damn. Checked the shower room floor-REALLY hard to do that lookin nonchalant, but I pulled it off. THEN, lo n' behold, one of the Y members asked if what he found was what I was looking for. Thank you G! Quick, grab an atheist!!! Another reason I stick to the Y. Not as pretty as LA Fitness, but the members are cool.

So, then, out of curiosity, bop over to the Park. The friggin' park is full! What the fuck is wrong with these people??? Found MY parking spot, Pret is there, all the other usual suspects. POURING rain. And peeps think I'm wacked???

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