
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, December 21, 2008

it's a sign!!!

ok, snow's ok, but THIS???

Awoke to a fine coating, 'bout 1/2 inch. Can deal with that, but then, RAIN. Fuhgeddaboutit. No mas. G's way of saying take a day off. No ellip, no dreadmill.

Hadda show @ the club for the Holiday Party/elections. Good news: the slate won unanimously. The bad news: we ran unopposed. Details, details. Hey, SOMEONE could've voted for "no one/anybody but______," and in typical Strider fashion, it was a real possibility, but no. Surprised we actually had enough for a quorum. What the hell is wrong with these people (bless them). Ugly as hell out and we still had quite a showing.


ho ho

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