
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, November 23, 2008


We DID miss a season. Listened to the news on my way to the run, per my usual, they said the obvious: this time of year it's usually 50-ish. KNEW IT!

Did Long Beach. Now, normally a flat 10k would be no big whoop, after doing The Line daily. But this was COLD and it seemed both parts of the course (one loop) were INTO the wind. Ouch!!!

4 Wearers of the green: Marlon,Fran, Tom and I. I, of course, enjoyed the course the longest/was slowest.

Fran took first in her age group-in Long Beach they do it right-a medal AND a trophy for 1st place. Nice.

But all agreed it was damned cold. Nice turnout-our race had as many, but this one was boosted due to their sending $10 off coupons in the mail. In their last race they fucked up, so to apologize.......

...and those who loved and lost will know the way it feels...to touch the night without the one you love.

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