
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, December 8, 2008


thank G for the elliptical

TOO damned cold this am, 19 degs for chrissakes!!! w/windchill it felt like 5. No way Jose. Noooooo running este dia. Instead, head to the Y, hit the ellip.

Was critically de-moralized, haven't quite gotten over thanksgiving. BUT, G comes to the rescue. Had our first practice for the Christmas party with the patients, got me out of the funk. Of course in the midst of practice a patient had a seizure (no, it wasn't my playing), so we had an unplanned break, but I'm back.

Dunno how people do it-meaning-they that are totally self-centered, how do they get along? If it wasn't doing this Christmas party with the patients, the holiday spirit would've passed me right by.

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