
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

twas the night before.............

and Shebitch is out. Glory be!!!! God IS good.

Here @ Toxichouse with Keith-he was smart enough NOT to want to go with It. That makes 2 big days he decided to frig the bullshit-July 4 and tonight. Smart child.

"Cross country" run yesterday, with the snow/ice and etc.....today: 86th ave in the POURING rain. Hadda. This am, staff called to say their father died. Ho ho. Ouch. yesterday, personnel shit to deal with. So, despite HATING rain, hadda do it.

WONDERFUL surprises in e mail. And I owe it all to Pesa and her facebook. 2 people outta the blue from grade school. Wow. Can you imagine 36 years ago and we reconnect? Wow.


goooooood girl said...

your blog is feel good......

G said...

you're very kind.