
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, December 29, 2008

THAT'S gonna leave a mark

ok, woke, up, outta bed, hit the job pre pre dawn. Felt good, so why sleep more? Figured head to the unit, clear debris, get dressed n' hit The Line.

So far so good, shorts, t shirt, light jacket, gloves. St.Francis, felt good.

Good thing I didn't wait for Pret, got called @ 8:20 ish, said I'd already been out, maybe/hopefully manana. THEN, all hell broke loose. Patient flipped. Was told this am re: death of his mother. Now, this patient was friggin' nuts to begin with-really-undiagnosed psychotic. So, he started running around, on the unit as well as outside. Glad I was there. If not, the bleeding hearts would've totally fucked it up. As it was, one of them hadda go home due to "injuries." Now understand, I restrained him after he threw himself atop me trying to get out (I was trying to contain him in an office). And THIS piece of shit employee, after I leave the unit, has the balls to claim injury. Asshole.

Good thing I ran when I did.

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