
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Check, doublecheck

got to the job, assured the weekend wouldn't be a colossal clusterfuck. Done.

got to the job, checked e mail, finally got off my butt and did the January President's Massage. Yes, Virginia, it's been QUITE a year. ANOTHER reason priestbrother is an asshole; I look back on the collective successes of the club, and not once am I in the center. Just lucky to be part of a great group. But oh, what things 2008 has brought! AND, NONE of it would've been possible without Pesa's brains/tenacity, Helen's cruise directing, Ken's Consiglieri contributions, Laughlin's ball breaking, Gillian's sharp tongue and smile, Lee's curmudgeonosity (?), Ray's curmudgeonosity, Tom's friendship, and Pret's love. And these are but a few people I hold in such high regard. Wow, great year. The club has gone further than I thought it would. Nice.

St.Francis yet again. Alone for a bit, yet again. Fookin' peeps talk too much, 9am runs NEVER @ 9 am. Ran with Lisa n' Chris for a spell, until I hadda be me and veer off. WONDERFUL weather. Again, ALMOST went shirtless, but no one around with singles.

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