
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

this just in!

my world just got a lil' smaller.

Thanks to Facebook, what had been severed ties have resumed. My original High School in Mass, from which I was unceremoniously booted, on Ash Wednesday, was reconnected through a FB page. Turns out, just got the news that the guy responsible for my being nearly crippled just died. Bummer.

In my sophomore year, I was participating in gym class-softball. Something told me to cut that class, but I played anyway-loved softball. The catcher and I were trying to tag a runner caught between third and home. What I didn't know was someone was sliding into third from second-Tim Buchalski. He ripped into me, I went flying into the air, landed, and something was amiss. I didn't know what, so I stood, which resulted in a compound fracture-my ankle was no longer connected to my foot. 10 days in the hospital, and 10 months in a cast-the summer Nixon resigned. Wow.

Tim died.

My world is smaller.

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