
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

day 570

what was I thinking?????

Went to do the Quantum Valentine's fun run. WTF???? What a group. REAL runners. These guys smoked me!!! Wow. Was actually able to do 2 miles with the group until I turned back. Jeeeeeez.

That was the bad news. The good news? I got to run with a peep. Had facial recognition, but yesterday was the first time we spoke/conversed. Kept self labeling as "The Kaboose," to which I responded-not slow, but consistent. We had alot in common, both have The Bug-first noticed each other when we ran AFTER work. That morning had been snow/sleet, so we BOTH ran after work to get in our daily fix. Each recognizing in the other that we needed our daily dose-we each laughed heartily.

How the HELL people run after work, I haven't a clue. But these guyz beees FAST. One of 'em ran with me n' the peep, then stormed ahead stating "I can't run this slow." Ouch.

The Line again this am, so although I'm not getting ALL of my daily dose, at least I got some.

Really cool of Monique to put herself out and use the store for the Valentines fun run. Way cool. Pity I sucked, but we did ok.

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