
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, February 3, 2011

day 557

boring is good

Stoney'll never understand that.

Back home yesterday evening ("home" because shebitch has been out every evening so far, YAY!!!), Stoney's napping. Why? His X Box is broken and he's already bored with his psp. He was making do with the slaptop/World of Warcraft, but, as every child of the electronic age knows too well, it gets old quickly. (also offered to take him and his friends tubing-shitloads of snow...nope, didn't bite.).

Hurts to see a bright kid wasting himself in couch potato status, but I did my part. When I had the gym family membership, I was expected to drive out to Long Island to fetch him, then eventually come home. Shebitch not getting involved, not using a single calorie parenting. Unbelievable. It would drive to the ends of the earth for It's groupies, but not lift a finger for they existing in Its household. It couldn't even drop him off @ my job or on neutral ground-@ the gym. Utterly useless bitch. THAT I could deal with. What I can't tolerate is It's causing problems, i.e. stealing the mail, using my credit card. Amazing, really amazing. Yet, It claims to be saving for a flat screen tv, while we lack heat. Name ONE bill it pays? Right, none. The mortgage, electricity, cable: me. Useful information for a judge. If I'm not mistaken, credit card fraud IS a felony n'est pas?

So, why isn't this crap getting me down? I'm gettin' paid. My efforts to date haven't been in vain. Good. Add to this, my outlet. Can't run yet-between my back and the ice, no go. But, the gym is always there. The ellip and I have developed a close personal relationship.

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