
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, February 25, 2011

day 579


Ok, God, enough already. HEAVY friggin' rain this am, as in "lions and tigers and bears, oh my!" Actually worked out well, with the monsoons, hadda take a day off...from running. Of COURSE, hit the gym instead. God forbid I backslide.

And yes, "The Friday Syndrome" was in effect. Stoney asked for $ to hang with his peeps. He DID cleanse the yard of dogpoop, so he got it. Don't want him paying the price of Shebitch not contributing. Though I, again, made the point to him that It can't give him lunch money/pocket money, yet buys a huge tv.

All that detritus doesn't matter. Manana, WE RACE!!!!! Meeting one of the peeps @ Toxichouse, we'll drive into The Parkhouse, meet D there, go in as a group. FYI, those would be two of my make-believe friends. And yes, I WILL wake the bitch up when peep #1 pulls up in front of Toxichouse.

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