
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, February 27, 2011

day 581

I'm hoooooome!!!

The line is officially clear! the warm(er) temps + rain = clear path. NICE! Tried to go further, but wasn't meant to be. Hadda settle for The Line-"settle" translates into "homecoming."

Briefly saw Pret and the rest of the peeps, then hadda get back to Toxichouse. Great way to live: hurry back to make sure mental twat doesn't wreak havoc with your belongings. So much for that warm glow of home.

Of course, It returns and proceeds to put a $55 gas bill from 2 weeks ago on the fridge. Remember, It pays NOTHING. Yet, has to put that on the fridge. Could you BE more mental? WAIT, it gets better! To further portray me as Satan, It takes Stonwey out to dinner yesterday and tonight. Now, let that sink in. Can't pay a fucking bill, let it sit for two weeks, but yet go out to dinner, TWICE. YOU tell ME who's mental?????

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