
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, February 28, 2011

can you imagine???

Shebitch actually said the following during Its rage on Saturday:

"give me a list of your 'make believe' friends," (intimating I have no friends.)

"you're gonna die all alone" (as though any of us take others with us???)

"all my friends say_____________" (as though I could give a fuck what they say?)

"at the wedding, none of your people were there"

Can you imagine saying such things, with your child present????? THEN, taking my belongings and, again, hurling them to the ground because It "got sick of seeing them there."

Add to THAT: raging because I had the balls to actually EAT something that was in the fridge. Bastard ain't I?


THEN, taking your son out to dinner, not once but consecutively, then having the tits to put a bill on the fridge.

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