
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, February 28, 2011

day 582

not a moment too soon.

No wonder Sybil's on a tear: $9,000 credit card bill is due, and a collection agency's pushing for $360 It owes. Good. Bitch. I remember when I was just starting out in this field, I pushed for us to live on a budget, It never learned. Now, again, finds Itself in the hole. And of course, lashes out @ me. Bitch.

This am, rain. Good. Needed the break. No run, so ellip'ed. Nice. Good for the back AND the knees! Pushed it today, had the resistance on 15. :)

Tonight: reunion meeting. THIS is the sort of crap I NEVER do, but you really gotta give props to the past. My elementary school really DID form the basis for the rest of my life, be nice to see the peeps. Also, as I was voted "most likely to succeed," be interesting to see/compare notes with the rest of my group. If we're vertical, we ALL succeeded as far as I'm concerned.

*also, what gets me: we really could form a "reunion" with each group I was associated with: St.Gabriel's, Bellefontaine (High School pt1), Cathedral Prep (High School pt2), Cathedral College, Immaculate Conception Seminary. 5 groups with which I was associated. Really have had a great life to date, with more fun to come!!!

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