
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, February 4, 2011

day 558


You know, there'a alot to be said for doing the right thing. Things tough @ home, THAT I can deal with. The workplace being dysfunctional, THAT I can deal with. What I can't stomach: The Line is snowed under. DAYUM!!! But...there's always a silver lining to the cloud. Thank god for the gym. The elliptical and I are close, personal friends. Really takes me back to my roots. Remember "the good old days" when we elliped and did Spin Class, ahh...good times. @ least I'm still in the game.

Had my first twinge of backache last night. Stoney was upstairs on his slaptop, I was in the living room (upside of the X Box being broken, I've got the living room back). Was getting up and POW, the pain kicked in. Hadda get up 'cause we were in the middle of The Office when Shebitch appears and changes the channel. No, you CAN'T make this stuff up. The gall. Told 'ya, total bitch. You have no idea where It is, or when It will return, but It has the right to take charge and interrupt.

So, through the course of last night, calls from the peeps. THAT was way cool. We had the Bored Meeting followed by The Membership Meeting. Brotherfromanothermother called to touch base. Hope he didn't REALLY think I was going (truth be told, I ALMOST did). He wanted to know if I was doing the 4m, and the Alley Bowl. Helluva guy. But no, ain't no way I was going to either meeting.

So, what brought today's elation? (besides a great gym workout?) We ARE everywhere. I'm doing, amongst other things, Intake. I get a call from Long Beach Medical Center inquiring about bed availability. I ask if the referrant was doing the LB 4m. Turns out she IS a runner, who did lots of the NYRR races. Needless to say, we hadda talk to the point that we needed to remind ourselves that we WERE in the course of transacting business after all. How cool was that? George Sheehan was right; "wherever there are runners, I have friends." J.W.T.D.O.

***Icing on the cake: Queens rules!!! Patient we admitted went to school @ Joan of Arc. When I told him I grew up @ St.Gabe's and taught @ Blessed Sacrament, we recognized the "Queens-ness" of each other. Nice. God I wish I'd never left.

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