
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, February 7, 2011

day 561


people you thought were close, people who "forever..." just seem off on their own planets. Amazing how full of crap some can be. Feels good to know that I'll be the last man standing. Can be lonely at times, but you gots 'ta be who you gots 'ta be. Wouldn't be able to live with myself otherwise.

Back into the fray this am. Felt good. Never ceases to amaze me what a difference a little bit can make, i.e. the gym guy shows up 10 minutes early, we get in 5 minutes early, made the morning. Just the ILLUSION of getting a head start makes all the difference in the world. Was great using the equipment this am. Sucked that my back is still wacked, but it isn't affecting me.

Super Bowl? Who gives a shit. No New York teams, no concern.

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