
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

day 562

one door closes...

life really DOES make its own plans. One of my peeps is now in the "whatever happened to" list, another jumps back into the fray. The loss hurts, but that's the good part of my Father dying when I was 5. Got a head start on loss early on in life.

Battled bullshit traffic to get home yesterday, to find Stoney upstairs on his slaptop (X Box dead). Of course Shebitch is nowhere to be found. Good. The downside, he puts me in an impossible position. Of course, Shebitch left the fridge barren(wonder if Its groupies know THAT???), and even HE can eat only so much Lucky Charms (as evidenced by 3 bowls in the sink). He asks for BK, I was LIVID. Not at him of course, and of course I couldn't deny him. Livid that there's not one cell in that fucking house that does a goddamned thing for me, and yes, it's hard. Work hard all day, battle patients as well as staff, then traffic, then go BACK out to deal with rush hour traffic on route 107 to feed your child. FUCK ME. All this single handed, with no assistance. Worse, with pure evil counteracting your efforts as well as shirking anything vaguely smacking of responsibility.

Thank god for the gym. Weather STILL sucks, this am rain, FUCK!!! So, on the ellip. Ahhhhhhh. More gooder.

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