
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, May 28, 2011

day 671

ok, not GREAT, but ok

Did the Runday 5k. Oppressively hot, tough to breathe, but, did ok. Broke 9. HADDA take two 15 second breaks, imagine if I hadn't???!!! Oh well, was happy to have done as well as I did. That was the upside. Downside? Flat course. SHOULD'A come in @ 8:30 ish, instead, 8:42, still, I'm ok with it. Again, if I were normal, I'd have taken yesterday as a rest day but noooooooooo, gotta log those miles.

Was soooo nice to see my usual suspects. Hung with DP after the race (GREAT raffles), and was nice to see so many I knew. Shows, again, the wonder of running: despite my tendency toward isolation, I manage to know peeps. Nice. Vince, Sue, DP and I represented for AP. Nice showing. Still, miss the Quantum kiddies, their loss.

Manana, the ball breaker. 10m in HEEEAT, but alas, treat it as a long run. Manana pm, ballgame, hopefully with Stoney. The way things go here @ Toxichouse, who the fuck knows.

...have a sneaking suspicion I'll regret doing the lawn today. Should'a waited 'til Mon, but couldn't chance it. I KNOW manana, 'round mile 6, I'll feel it. Suck it up buttercup.

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