
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, May 1, 2011

day 644

now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about!!!

YESSS!!! Sometimes you just gotta put one foot in front of the other.

After running the day befopre, NOT taking a day off all week, AND getting my stones broken over (are you sitting down?) using a frying pan (!!!???), had my BEST Long Island ever! Came in @ 1:59. Walked through the water stops, RAN the whole run, felt good, but didn't push. Imagine what i could do if I broke my balls? But alas, I wanna run manana!!! Always do. THAT'S what keeps me from going flat out. Running=sanity.

Had a blast! From the expo-where I ran into several people, shook alotta hands, tot he race. i really felt enveloped. It was delightful.

Even for a loner like me, from the crack of dawn, I hung with George Devoe, brotherfromanothermother called, numerous Facebook postings, then headed to the start with George. Really a lovely day.

This one has alotta baggage. From Steve taking the port-o-san pic, to it being my first home town marathon, to "whatthefuck was I thinking?" doing the full while others veer off to do the half, to seeing Dominick running the half as I foolishly went for 26.2, running the last 2 miles with today's new best friend. Just a really fine event. Was fun, though I dearly miss my peeps. Pret, Steve, Rob D. So it goes...

(also, imagine if I HADN'T done the lawn yesterday? Hadda-Shebitch was SCREAMING out the window @ me, all over using a frying pan. Imagine, normal wives actually...whats the word...cook? This one goes on a bender because you cooked your own food in one of "her" pans????? Jeeeez.

Days like this make me envious of you who have homes. Must be nice.

But hey, run Firrest, run! :)

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