
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

day 660


Had a blast today, best of times/worst of times.

Met the ICS peeps for our reunion @ Dave n' Busters. Something, somewhere worked out for us all. Either they had a great teacher, I had great students, their parents did their job, or a combination thereof. Either way, every one of them ended up awright. Quite impressive. Disparate backgrounds, all went their own individual way, but all should be proud.

Was REALLY nice to bring Stoney into the mix. Being a teenager, he rarely wants to do any "buddy" activities, but yesterday struck his fancy. Worked out well, he played big brother to two young'uns.

Proud to know these people.

Then, Toxichouse. It has the gas bill on the fridge, which is again devoid of anything I'd put there. Buy a 50 inch tv, an x box, and contribute nothing to household bills. Amazing. AND, HADDA act out yesterday of all days. Bitch, pure bitch.

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