
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, May 9, 2011

day 652


(shit eating grin)

WHAT A MORNING!!! Cool(er), borderline crisp. Left knee achy, so took it easy(er), for me that means normal time. Doing really well with this daily run thing, so worried about taking a day off. If it works, don't mess with it.

Needed it. World's best therapy. Yesterday was rough. Started out GREAT!!! Japan Day 4m was fun, did well, then we went for breakfast and a movie (The Beaver, REALLY good). Then, unfortunately, reality came back. Back to Toxichouse, Stoney-alone, sleeping (after It let him stay up all night), fridge empty. It comes in @ 10:30, wakes me up SCREAMING in my face about missing softsoap. Yes, softsoap. Def off Its meds. I guess that was Its way of thanking me for the card and chocolates.

So, got myself a Mother's Day gift. As a single parent, I earned it. (new running shoes).

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