
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, May 21, 2011

day 664


Did the Brooklyn Half. This is one of those "gotta do it because" races. I.E. To get into the NYC half, gotta do 4 of 5 halves, so what the hell. Found a good parking spot-a miracle on a Saturday near Prospect Park, and took an hour nap. Didn't expect to do great, but hoped-secretly-to break 2. The "new course" starts in Prospect Park, 2 loops of ball breaking, then flat Ocean Parkway to the Coney Island boardwalk.

Did ok in Prospect Park. Dunno WHAT got into my head, but since I didn't need any walk breaks (this portion of the run was only 7 miles), I thought I could come in under 2 hours.

Hit Ocean Parkway, still feeling good. Hit the last 1/2 mile-the Coney boardwalk, still good. Crossed the finish. Proud of myself, 2:07, thinking that was my gross, my net well under 2. DAMN!!! My net was 2:02. SHIT! (remember, I'd originally planned to do this one JUST to qualify for the NYC Half, but hey, gotta race :) ). The fact is: this was my best Brooklyn Half ever. Still.....

And of course, made a new friend going back to our vehicles. (AND won a t-shirt and sweatbands-I never win anything. So much for "never say never.")

Felt good, pissed I didn't break 2, but this is good. Gotta keep that edge.

Last night Stoney and I had it out. I'd never seen such disrespect toward a parent, but when the other subverts your every move, he'll feel he can. Now he gets the big freeze. He crossed some major lines yesterday. Really hurt, but, this is what teenagers do.

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