
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

day 340

getting closer to the one year mark

What a dif a day makes! BEAUTIFUL morning this am. Break in the humidididity (SHOULD'A done 10 today, but gotta carpe diem), ran with a shirt on for the first time in a long while. Nice. St.Francis this am.

Last night, Stoney n' I hangin', he went to the movies with a peep. Went to the 10pm showing...let that sink in...so, he strolls in as I'm leaving this am. Told him a)He HAS to call b)Don't EVER pull that shit again. Was tough to be mad @ him, but hadda act the part-he was hangin' after the movie @ his peeps place, cool, but gotta keep the baby daddy posted. Of course, now he'll sleep all day. Told 'ya, rock star.

Toy Story 3? SUCKED. Don't get it, everyone thought it got at least 4 of 5 stars, some more. Boring. Left after an hour.

Got a text from Stoney axin' for food, the fridge was empty. I raced home to get him a bite, It's there. Wow. I'd left a message on Its voicemail saying the obvious: "you might try caring for your son as you do your friends, the fridge is empty," lo and behold, It'd walked in minutes before I did. Nice. EXTRA nice because the peeps for whom It is housesitting won't be back 'til Sunday! YAY!!!!!! A full week of peace! Gave him props on getting us both to do his bidding. Good kid/smart kid! Woodley rang the doorbell-he'd driven me home. Wouldn't enter the house when he saw Hulk, feared he'd eat him alive. Heee heeeee. Keep telling peeps he's a mush.

This evening, golf. Thank GOD! Not too hot/humid, cloudless sky, nice. At least I know I'll return home with (most of) 2 balls. Douglaston has a funny way of eating them.

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