
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, June 27, 2010

day 337

3/4 ain't bad!!!

Did the NHP 5k this am, fun. Nothing earth shattering, but I finished and didn't walk. @ this pace, you'd think I'd be crippled. Prob is: these runs are bogus, hadda go to AP to do 5 more. Need the miles. This race was an inaugural, love them, but alas, too short. Headed to AP, did the race course, hooked up with Pret, home, Stoney and Black James still sleeping (were awake, hadn't slept by the time I left this am), It-nowhere to be found. YAY!!!

Tonight, I was on the fence re: Massapequa, but, whatthefuck, may as well. Only a 5k, AND, per Ragnar, good training (god forbid I miss out!!!).

Did the Firecracker. Kinda/sorta hadda. Went home after the NHP run, Stoney and Black James were still sleeping (as of noon!!!). By the time I left-2pm, they were STILL sleeping. Amazing.

Surprised, didn't see Deb nor Tom. Vince n' Sue were there, saw them for, like, a second. DID hang with Anita and Sal. She did the Cantiague run. Funny, I left my hood to return to my old hood for a 5k, she did my current hood. My time? Sucked, but when you factor in 3 30 second walk breaks, dead even with yesterday and this am.

Humid as a motherfucker. It always is. No one ever complains it's too cold.

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