
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, June 11, 2010

day 320

just when you're ready to quit, the miracle hits!

Really should'a taken this am off, did the 5k last evening, after not running yesterday am. So, needed the miles, but after a race should'a chillaxed. Used Ragnar as inspiration, suck it up, lace 'em up, it WAS only a 5k-and at my pace, barely counts. But I DID run it. Thank GOD it was flat. Again, how people can run after work is totally beyond me, but I did ok-almost a full minute slower than last year, but, last year I gave a shit, this year, not a bit. REALLY couldn't care less about time. @ this point last year I was doing track workouts, I've realized I don't have speed in me. Tenacity, yes. Speed no.

So, though this am should'a been an off day, did St.Francis. Felt ok, NOT full of spit and vinegar, but ok. NOT in pain from last night. On the way back I was lagging, consoling myself with the knowledge that I was maintaining a pace, though not a notable one. When...when...Dave the Superjew hooks up with me. JUST what I needed. Now, understand, this guy would drive Gandhi to drink, but, he's GREAT for your pace. Kept me going strong to the end-which for him was slowing down. Hey, God DOES act in mysterious ways n'est pas?

Also, hadda run this am as a)the rain may kick in through various points during the weekend, and b)sunday's "only" an 8k. You understand.

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