
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

day 318

Happy Father's Day!!!

No, per the calendar, we're early, but after all, isn't every day Father's Day? What brought this on? Some time ago I got a Garmin, the red squarish ones. Never used it, as I'm not that fast, but was curious re: distances run. One of the club's peeps was selling a Garmin, the latest/greatest/top of the.....blah blah blah. It does more shit than you need. Sooo.....of course, got it. NOW, I'll use it! Hey, I deserve it, and more.

WOW! Tried it out, it's an amazing piece of techtoy.

St.Francis this am, REALLY great weather. Tonight, rain. Good. Get it outta the clouds so manana's race is clear. Looking forward to it-a 5k after St.Francis+ every day. Nice to see the usual suspects as well.

Last evening, broke my heart. It went foodshopping (it DOES happen, irregularly at best, but it does happen), Stoney tells It how much he loves It, then reminds It to buy him a new mic for his x-box, kisses It on the cheek. Now...think. I'm satan, leaving lunch money daily, helping with homework, demanding the weekly progress report. But It has no problem saying how Stoney "hates his father," yes, that's a quote. I gave him props for having the bitch wrapped round his finger, but it hurts. He "loves" It because the money It should be spending on necessities, It spends on Video Games (just bought him Red Dead Redemption) and accessories. He can't wrap his head around: dad spends a fortune to pay the bills, and still, daily, leaves $ on the table for lunch. These things are taken for granted. Really breaks my heart.

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