
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, June 5, 2010

day 314

I don't (totally) suck!!!!!

Should'a taken today off, with manana's 4m in CP, should'a rested...but...but...So, did the next best thing: did a 5k. Couldn't resist. It the first time for this race, run on MacArthur Airport runways. Yummmmm. Did ok, nothing great (9:16), but for me, great. Hotttttttttt, but flat. I KNOW I'll regret this manana, but couldn't help it.

GREAT turnout there also, THAT was the scene of the crime a couple'a years ago when I did my "marathon a month" tour. Took Southwest to most place, Slamtrack the rest.

Looking forward to Ken's brunch, won't eat (too early for me) but it'll be nice to see how normal people celebrate. My 50th-Shebitch went on a tear, then we went out to eat. What joy. Ken's a helluva guy, and the club consigliere. Deserves the best we can do for him!

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