
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, June 17, 2010

day 326

THAT was odd!

So, it ISN'T only me. E asked wassup with the Kissena 5k results. Hadda 'splain, it's not unusual for them to be posted late (it HAS been 4 days, how long can it friggin' take???). Look how long it took to get feedback re: how it went.

St.Francis this am, HUMID!!!!! Was soaked toward the end. Glad I did it though. When I woke up it was raining-almost turned over in bed. Kind'a sorta hadda. Manana night there's a 2 hour spin I was thinking of-if it isn't cancelled. Last time they tried it, it was killed for lack of interest, so I'm cautious re: planning for it. If I don't run, and it's off, I'll have wasted a day. Gonna havta flip a coin.

Brotherfromanothermother called, he didn't get into the Father's Day 5m, pity, it's a fun one, lots of peeps there, but it maxxed out. Wow. Even Dave the Superjew is doing it.

Making plans on the unit for Father's Day. For some reason, we get short shrift. Though the buck stops with us, we get jerked. Basically, pay the bills and shutthefuckup. At least we know wassup.

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