
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, June 3, 2010

day 312

NEVER take locomotion for granted!!!

St.Francis this am, REALLY needed it.

Shebitch, again, mental. Yesterday pm, Stoney and his main peep doin' the hang. It cooks for them, so far so good...until...(insert theme from Jaws) It returns from a meeting (thought these meetings were therapeutic???) Shhhs me (I was humming), this is in front of Stoney and his peep mind you. Starts interrogating me regarding whatever ill It perceived, @ which point I let loose "stop being mental in front of my son as well as a guest," "thought meetings were supposed to promote serenity-oh wait-that's only if you're honest," "take another pill." Bitch better learn I won't tolerate this. It shrunk back into Its hole thereafter.

It's obvious in case you haven't guessed: bipolar disorder/manic depression involves surreal mood swings. The thing of it is, if YOU had kids, wouldn't you shutthefuckup in their presence?????

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