
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, June 14, 2010

day 323

best laid plans...

Wanted to take the morning off, playing Douglaston this pm, but since predicted rains didn't materialize, went out. Glad I did. After the 8k yesterday, needed the miles. And, who do I bump into on the flip flop? Dave the Superjew! GREAT, made my morning. Helped pick up the pace.

FINALLY got info on the Teambrickfeetquantumwell run, word is it went very well. Good. The CPA'S race did well also. A winning weekend for all.

***Funny how what goes around....used to drink/f around...in Alley Pond Park, now use it to run. Used to go tray/sledding on the Douglaston course, now actually play golf there. NEVER thought I'd be a runner-used to hold my cig out to break Steve's balls when he came in from a run. NEVER thought I'd golf either-thought it was the lamest of lame pursuits.

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