
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, June 7, 2010

day 316

Now THAT'S how you start the day!!!!!

F-ing gorgeous morning! Clear skies, cool (not quite crisp but, hey, we'll take it!!!). Really a lovely morning. Lil' extra spring in the step. St.Francis + Kissena, 10 total. After the 5k Saturday and 4m yesterday, needed the miles. Felt good.

Tried that new gatorade crap, their version of powergel, during yesterday's race-15 mins prior to actually. Worked well. Like I wrote yesterday, EVERYBODY suffered-Randi did 9+ minute miles, unusual for her, but that heat and humididity were killer.

Still riffing off yesterday's brunch, what a lovely time. Really a good group. Funny how everything comes around eventually. When I got there (early of course) I checked out the town, and remembered the days of hangin' with Susan, hitting the shops in Roslyn....great times we had. Gorgeous woman. A different lifetime. I never think of what could've been. Why? I'm tremendously thankful for what is.

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