
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, July 27, 2014

This just in

WAS having a great day, ran The Line, saw my gym peeps, had coffee with GT, then...THEN...made the critical error of returning to the source of my mortgage payment. Stoney grabs the shower first, leaves it FULL OF HAIR. Her majesty shaved down. THEN, Sybil storms in, raging (naturally) after telling me I need a meeting (?), rages @ the shape of the bathtub, Stoney cleanses it, then says "you can use it now Princess," speaking to me.

2 amazingly dysfunctional people consciously causing pain.


Good to be a parent.

Smoke some more.

Part of its rage: properly closing the gate to the driveway, you know, the one I paid $1500 to have repaired because it couldn't be bothered to properly shut it. Does It give a fuck? No. Would it be easier to sue the front door, yes. Now, the back door is disintegrating (I wanted it walled off), and it cannot bring Itself to properly close it.

But I need a meeting.

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