
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Day 1860


How quickly things change.

As part of renewing my credential, my supervisor must sign an eval, makes sense. Prob: what if you're no longer working? So, you double back and ask your EX supervisor. When I resigned, I made it a point to ask if it would be a problem, at that time I was told no, we were splitting on good terms. When I called yesterday, I was told "jee, I dunno, I gotta seek supervision....." FUCK. 24 years of no call ins, no lateness-not ONE, nothing but service. The good news: I draw a retirement check for a million years if I live that long. STILL, hurts that my ex boss hasn't the balls to just say yes in return for all I did. Fuck it. So it really fucked me up, then...THEN...got the call. The gods said it was ok for their person to do the right thing.

Amazing isn't it?

So Wednesday I go back to from whence I came to hand the paperwork to be perused. Gonna be weird, good, but weird. I've been dying to go back, but nobody likes the dinner guest who wouldn't leave. And I always believed you have nothing but your good name, you want to leave properly. I can honestly say I did. Feels good.

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