
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

this just in

just got a call re: 4-3. That'll be my 25th anniv. Hard to believe. I stopped celebrating every year, started noting it every 5. But, this one's big. Been clean longer than I used. Nice. AND, icing on the cake, reinvented myself from Jabba The Hut to a lean, cynical, raging machine.

Really satisfied with the way life turned out so far. If this was to be my last day, I'd be alright. Lots I wanna continue doing, but I'm good.

They start noting this sort of thing on calendars 1 to 2 months prior, with the years being celebrated they let you have the night to yourself-as opposed to celebrating with others whose anniv falls in the same month.

Ironic it's the day after Tom's wedding.

Times like this make me think: if I wasn't clean, I couldn't do what I do. And, if it were to all end now, what would Keith's memories be? I'm sure his kneejerk reaction wouldn't be wonderful, but when he's a parent he'll value what I go through for him. Is it difficult? Yes, very. Going back every day to Toxichouse suuuucks, but if I wasn't there, a bad situation would deteriorate.

25 amazing years, I couldn't have written this script.

Hope my father's proud. Hope mom's proud. I tried. Can honestly say I give my best @ whatever I'm doing. Hopefully some will rub off on Stoney.

(***and, I'll celebrate where it all began, it all comes full circle).

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