
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

day 240

good choice!

Years ago, when I started with the State, I told It to do the same. Who's sorry now? Stoney sits @ home doing his x-box, front tooth STILL chipped, It goes off to church. Me, I'm home from...what's that word...you know, the one that pays the mortgage, oh yes, WORK. Stoney wanted to know why his computer wasn't fixed. I explained the printing press was broken, money can't be printed, It doesn't do a goddamned thing toward the bills, and the mortgage is $100 higher per month. Likewise, explained that though It receives disability, It in NO way, shape, or form, contributes (not even to lift a finger to clean or even put ANYTHING away-no joke-laundry is LITERALLY in piles on the ground). You'd think with nothing to do all day the house would be immaculate, much easier to shirk responsibility under the bullshit guise of "maintaining my wellness." Closed the explanation by explaining the cost of fixing his x-box, which COULD have been used toward fixing his computer, but he chose otherwise. It's latest maneuvar is to study for the credentialling exam It should have taken when I did, 20 years ago. Wasted life.

Spin tonight, need the running break. Would'a LOVED to go out this am (47 degs-perfect!!!) but don't wanna be crippled.

GREAT pix from the half below. What a lovely day!!!

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