
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, March 27, 2010

day 244

life according to plan B.

So, couple of days ago, took It and Stoney to the movies. My thanks? It and Stoney go out last night. Bitch.

Was supposed to pick up AW's number for the Colon Run (insert joke here) manana, no record of that registrant. Was supposed to meet at the Aspire 10k today, so I figured, "what the hell, if I'm there, might as well reg for the race." Wanted to take today off, but how can you be somewhere and not participate? Turns out they had no record of the registration, I'm in though. Oh well, at least got a good practice 6+ in today. Manana's 15k will S-U-C-K, sure there'll be nothing left in the tank. But glad I did it anyway.

No sign of Team QuantumBrickFeetWell. Miss the days when we'd see each other @ a race. So it goes. Sue, Vince, George were there. Represent peeps!!!!

Was good to see the LI usual suspects. Passed Warren, started too far back to pass Big Bird. The Judge is over his procedure-club foot/bunion. So he'll be @ the only race that matters. Sal "I'm so hairy my clothes are an inch from my skin" was thgere, he and Big Bird will make the NYRR run manana.

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