
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

things I did when I was Stoney's age

now that Stoney's knee deep in his terrible teens, I look at Sir Mopey and wonder what the dif is between mine and his youth:

1)Afterschool: we played softball, football, and basketball. LOVED the sensation of freedom coming from bike riding. He and his generation live for vegatating in front of the x box. No motivation, no "umph" other than getting excited over the roll-out of the latest video game.

2)Libraries: we went out and interacted-we went together to do research. Now, google it.

3)we felt we hadda earn stuff. He and his generation have an odd sense of entitlement. No one earns anything, we parents give and give more.

4)supervision: our parents reviewed our homework with us(felt ponderous, but you knew they cared enough to work all day THEN review your assignments/drill for exams), we were accountable to them for every waking moment. This generation feels it's an invasion of privacy.

5)Parents themselves: lived for their children, did whatever it took for their success. Today, It thinks more of Itself than It's child. i.e. go to yet ANOTHER fucking meeting?????? Never, ever undertakes any activity with Stoney. Holds him responsible for nothing. No parenting whatsoever.

hopefully he won't end up in a belltower with an uzi.

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