
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, March 19, 2010

day 236


Went to pick up my number n' shit @ the expo, 753 is my number. Whatthefuck??? Do I LOOK Ethiopian/Kenyan to you? Seriously thinking of starting in a corral further back. Monday's papers shouldn't read "slow Rican trampled by skinny Africans."

Interesting how the NYRR have grown, as has this run. Now they rented space for the "mini expo," or as they call it "expo." Don't know of any 1/2's who have their own dedicated race or expo, most share the spotlight of the full, but, then again, this IS New York. Few vendors, but it's a start. The frame guys were there-always a tip-off. If they're there, it's either big or gonna be. Looking forward to this one: makes me miss my peeps who've seperated themselves from the real world, but such is life. This one's big and a gas!

Spin class last night, tough class.

Boot Camp today, then tonight take Stoney to the movies-IF he has his progress report. It bogarted the copies I threw out, of course It shoved them in a drawer, did nothing with them. Three weeks later his report card comes in, he's borderline pass/fail in Spanish. everything else: so-so. Bottom line: if I don't do something his grades'll go in the crapper. The home decor is a good barometer. His room is, again, a shit hole, the dog poop doesn't get picked up unless I do it, the couches are COVERED in blankets and Its clothes. A mess, a big mess. But his grades can be addressed. As for It, pray.

***did the Boot Camp. Yet ANOTHER reason I LOVE my job: I can scoot (yes, I said "scoot") across the street, do the class, shower, and be back on site in the equivalent of an extended lunch.Yay!!! First Boot Camp since last week: with the warm temps, hadda run instead-with spinning interspersed. Instructor asked where I'd been, of course I alluded to the temps. Fortunately, got right back into the groove, didn't lose any progress made. Alot to be said for crosstraining.

(getting excited about the half, still...gonna miss out on the Corrigan relays. THAT one was a howl last year. Goes to show you how the seasons can differ year to year: last year we did the relays as a club-it was nippy. Hope the peeps have fun).

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