
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, March 15, 2010

day 232

ok, decision time!

Can't spin (House on tonight), was GONNA do St.Francis esta manana, but the rain just recently ended, too late for that. Soooooooooooooo, prob gots'ta do St.Francis after work. Suuuuuuuuucks running after work, but beats inactivity n'est pas?

The other prob: with the NYC Half on Sun, throws the week into a tizzy. follow my normal exercise pattern and run poorly Sunday, or treat it as a race and do whatever it takes to put in a good showing? Dunno. Gotta see.

****and yes, you gotta love the irony. It taking computer classes, how many months after taking my guitars and laptop and hurling them to the ground??!?? NOW It needs a computer?! Pity. Sucks for It.

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