
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, March 18, 2010

day 235

wimped out!!!

Ok, did St.Francis. Felt good. Getting back on the horse. Knee ok, weather GREAT, barely broke a sweat! STILL, running after work SUCKS, but it was gorgeous! Thank G I work where I do.

So...Boot Camp or no? No. Wimped out. Figured 7 miles was enough. No need to run myself ragged (WOULD be nice to NOT totally suck Sunday). Actually felt guilty passing the room where class is held (whattheFUCKiswrongwith me???).

Tonight? Spin. Today? Head into NYC to the Expo, pick up my bib etc... Interesting location, never been there, we'll see and report.

Weather for Sun? Warm, showers @ night.

***Toxichouse? It comes back from whatever hole it was in, enters the living room, starts "shushing" Stoney and I. (it was approx 8:30pm). Can you imagine being told to shut up by a total psycho? And It feels it has a right to do so. Friggin' amazing.
Apart from It, Stoney and I had a nice evening. With the terrible teens, this is unusual. I'd come back earlier than usual since I ran and bailed on Boot Camp, sat with him as he did his h/w, we had a blast. I'll treasure these moments as they become more and more rare.

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