
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, April 22, 2011

day 635

Weird, but good.

Feels odd being in avoidance mode. Normal families? With the kiddies off from school, they have family activities. Shebitch? Always m.i.a., whenever I get home n' ask Stoney where It is, the inevitable answer is "I dunno." Hence, I disappear for a couple of days. Guaranteed no dog shit gets picked up, and I return to a shitload of "to do" stuff.

Was soooooo peaceful last night, no slamming doors, no yelling, no high heels on a hard wood floor. Only thing I miss is Stoney. He called, but remember, when Shebitch went loco, I changed my number. So, I return his call, his voicemail is full. Shebitch will have to step up. THAT'S the idea.

Didn't really intend to (race manana, and rain at that), but my before picture peep asked if I was gonna be on The Line in the am, of course I said "only rain prevents me from being here." Of course, that said, I was there, he wasn't. Hey, got my miles in :) .

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