
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

day 626

so flexible, call me "Gumby"

Rain had been predicted through this pm, dayum. Soooooo...to the gym! Was ready to gym it yesterday, but the conditions were TOO nice out. Frankly, if I could run after work, this pm should be okay as well, but no. Running after work succccccccks. Can't do it. So, ellip. One hour, high resistance, Ipod blaring. Felt good, worked a sweat, akin to a good run.

Not exactly decided re: Saturday. Sunday is the all important AP 5m Challenge, so possibly run The Line Sat. There ARE 5k's but does is really make sense to run a shorter race the day prior to a longer? Dunno. Gonna come down to a coin flip.

Stoney on another tear. Came home yesterday, toilet backed up. Nothing new there. What got me is his blaming me. When I made it clear to him that when I left, all was well, he reacted. Started acting like a sullen teen. REALLY pisses me off when he gets fresh. Pull that shit with It, not me. He really needs to be reigned in periodically. Can't blame him for being a teenager, that's par for the course. But when he starts reacting against the hand that feeds him.....gotta draw the line. He tried making up for it, but no. It sucked, it hurt, but hadda let him know in no uncertain terms, he fucked up. Now, for the hurt: I'm the only motherfucker that does ANYTHING there, to be treated with suck a level of disrespect hurt beyond description.

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