
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, August 8, 2009

day 13

It planned to go to work, couldn't get out of It's deathbed for that. BUT, was able to lift Itself out to drive 40 miles for a groupie's b'day party. ???????. I gave up trying to make sense of it years ago.

St.Francis this am. Was great to see Ken, he's doing ok. Told him I'd go to the service, but not the wake. Famous last words. The priest doing the ceremony was the Dean in college, wait til he sees me.

So, of course I ended up going to the friggin' wake. Got a call asking if I was going, couldn't refuse of course. Turned around, met @ The Parkhouse, went. Lots of peeps there, very nice. Really heartwarming. Showed what we're made of.

(these would be the friends Shebitch doesn't believe exist...for the record). Fortunately, It's opinion of of no consequence, hasn't been for 7 years.

Saw Julie and Julia, and am man enough to admit it. I always liked Julia Child-and I'm man enough to admit THAT too. This film really showed what I'd thought all along. Well done. See it.

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