
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, June 25, 2011

day 699

"the fun one"

Did this am's 5k, Long Beach. One of the races I do yearly. Yes, try to NOT do 5k's, but some are built in/gimme's. This is one of them. Basically anything Long Beach does. Brotherfromanothermother wasn't there, but he seems not to be anywhere anymore. Oh well.

Actually a VERY good thing it was "only a 5k." Gave me an excuse to go a lil' harder, broke 9 mins. In 93% humidididity, THAT'S a bonus. Followed some girl, she started walking, broke her balls "you gonna let a 51 year old beat you?" "Can't walk on a flat course." Eventually passed her. Good thing, she came in @ 9 mins.

Was tempted to stick around, free concert in Long beach, Blood Sweat n' Tears. BUT, wanted to get my number for manana pm's race. Headed home, with the intent of hitting Runner's Edge. Good thing I read the paper for the MORNING'S race. NO day of race. SHIT!!! Threw on some clothes, hit the car, off to Manhattan. FUCK!!!!! To paragon no less. Joy joy, parking in Manhattan on a fucking Saturday. bad enough the race is out of the way (though a lovely course), I gotta shlep all the way to NYC for number pickup.

Thanks to God being God and helping out, it was made easy. Shebitch was home, couldn't hang there. So, bought Stoney breakfast, dropped it off @ home, then headed back out-a drive by.

Took an hour to get to 18th. n' Broadway. Actually found a spot. Grabbed a cab to the store, got my number, cab back to the vehicle. BACK to L.I. for my number for manana pm, THEN back to Queens for the alumni/reunion/school closing banquet.

Stuck around there for all of 10 minutes. the ultimate drive-by. Saw who I wanted to, was mistaken for PRIEST 3x, got fed up, left. Enough of that. True, you (usually) can't go home again. BUT, it WAS nice seeing the peeps I needed to. Thank GOD for the program, meaning, I KNOW I'm not THAT important. The peeps who I met with were genuinely glad to see me, and I them. Brother James (now Jim Flaxington) asked where JP was, said he was the smart one, I was always "the fun one," love him. My foster father. AND, my brotherfromanothermother from THAT era, my man Dennis. We gave each other a BIG hug. my man, my main man. Mi hermano. Then, after being told "I always had a HUGE crush on you," only to find she meant JP, I was outta there. Wonderful times, amazing place, but that was then. Today, kids have no allegiance, Stoney'll NEVER feel what we did @ St.Gabe's. Turn the page.

Officially, the toughest week of my life is now over.

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